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Thread: Listing Field

  1. #1

    Listing Field


    Can someone tell me what the correct way to display the description field in the template? Ex:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    works to display the title of the listing, but what is the correct way to display the description field?

    I tried this, but not working:

    Got it!

    Only registered members can view the code.
    Edit: How would I create a new field, but with the same key? I am trying to duplicate the description field so it will be shorter on the list view. Or is there another way to accomplish this easier?
    Last edited by Brian Jester; May 27, 2019 at 04:37 AM.
    Thank you - Your Welcome

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    The correct way to display description on listing is to add this field via Browse Form of your category

    but you can use so:

    Only registered members can view the code.
    or if description field is already on the category form
    you can use this:

    Only registered members can view the code.
    Last edited by Rudi; May 27, 2019 at 04:29 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudi View Post

    The correct way to display description on listing is to add this field via Browse Form of your category

    but you can use so:

    Only registered members can view the code.
    or if description field is already on the category form
    you can use this:

    Only registered members can view the code.

    I am still getting used to the forms, I have tried adding the description field into the browse form, but I didn't get any results on that page https://www.worldclassads.com/classi...community.html

    I am getting results on the other browse forms, but I am still trying to navigate through out the website to see where all the changes are taking effect with the forms.
    I did put the following code into my listing.tpl:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    and it works.
    Last edited by Brian Jester; May 27, 2019 at 05:24 AM.
    Thank you - Your Welcome

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Jester View Post
    Edit: How would I create a new field, but with the same key? I am trying to duplicate the description field so it will be shorter on the list view. Or is there another way to accomplish this easier?
    Your making hard work of things Brian, why would you want to shorten the description in the listing view page you would want to read it all ? if you wanted to restrict or reduce the amount of text people can add to description then you need to go into admin listing fields and find desc and edit the chars.
    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

  5. #5
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Jester View Post

    I am still getting used to the forms, I have tried adding the description field into the browse form, .
    in most case the browse form would only have the title and not the description. ? unles you were going to truncate the description down ?
    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Young View Post
    Your making hard work of things Brian, why would you want to shorten the description in the listing view page you would want to read it all ? if you wanted to restrict or reduce the amount of text people can add to description then you need to go into admin listing fields and find desc and edit the chars.
    Yes, That is what I did, but let me explain..The page I want to shorten the description is this one: https://www.worldclassads.com/classi...tes/community/

    Now, I have tried shortening the characters in description field, and I have also found the idea on this forum to use max-height to shorten the description div. (changed in listing.tpl also tried word-break: break-word to make the description look more uniform) I am not sure if that had an affect on the following page: https://www.worldclassads.com/classi...isting-24.html because I don't see the date that was there originally at the bottom, if it was remove by flyanx team Thank you, I want that removed.

    If there is easier way to do what I am trying to achieve, please share.

    Edit: You see, I have used the browse form for Local Activities category (community listing type) and just added the title and description - removed {$listing.fields.description_add.value} from listing.tpl, but now I only have title, but NOT description in this page: https://www.worldclassads.com/classi...ctivities.html

    Edit 2: The Browse form is NOT the correct form for this page: https://www.worldclassads.com/classi...ctivities.html the CORRECT form for that page appears to be the Listing Title Form, but when I add description field to that form, it does show, but strange. I think maybe because I added the css to that box in the listing.tpl (word-break etc..) but YES, this appears to be the correct form for that page.

    Edit 3: Yes the css was the problem, I removed that css, and it's normal, but as you can see, the description looks awful on this page: https://www.worldclassads.com/classi...ctivities.html so what can I do to make the description small just for that page? Or is there currently no solution for that to happen? I am ok with using something like your demo, like other fields in that page, I just wanted to utilize a 'short description' for that page if possible to fill up most of the space for the description and use the rest of the space for fields like: Condition or something else.
    Last edited by Brian Jester; May 27, 2019 at 01:25 PM.
    Thank you - Your Welcome

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Young View Post
    in most case the browse form would only have the title and not the description. ? unles you were going to truncate the description down ?
    unles you were going to truncate the description down ?
    Yes, this is what I would like to do.
    Thank you - Your Welcome

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Jester View Post
    If there is easier way to do what I am trying to achieve, please share.
    Well Brian I am not sure if this answer is related or not, so please ignore if so.

    By trying to stop and start and get every single part of your site looking right, is just going to take you forever and is the back to front way to be building your site. If it were me (and I have only built / re built 1 squillion flynax sites now (well nearly that many)) I would STOP worrying about how everything looks. But instead build a completely functional and working site, ignoring any visual things like font strength, number of chars, colour, etc etc.

    At this point you simply do not need to be worried about any of that stuff, simply get that site working with every single structural aspect working, do you have you base categories in place, do you have it so people can sign up, do you have it so people can place an ad and have everything work, focus on all of those things. Add test listing to fill the site out and start to get the layout positions and plugins you want working etc.

    Then and only then step back, and slowly edit and change any visual aspects and layout (one at a time) and record exactly what you change. You will end up less frustrated and building your site and getting it up and running in half the time.

    Just what I would do, and an easier way if it were me, based on building too many of these sites and making the same errors and or doing similar.
    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Young View Post
    Well Brian I am not sure if this answer is related or not, so please ignore if so.

    By trying to stop and start and get every single part of your site looking right, is just going to take you forever and is the back to front way to be building your site. If it were me (and I have only built / re built 1 squillion flynax sites now (well nearly that many)) I would STOP worrying about how everything looks. But instead build a completely functional and working site, ignoring any visual things like font strength, number of chars, colour, etc etc.

    At this point you simply do not need to be worried about any of that stuff, simply get that site working with every single structural aspect working, do you have you base categories in place, do you have it so people can sign up, do you have it so people can place an ad and have everything work, focus on all of those things. Add test listing to fill the site out and start to get the layout positions and plugins you want working etc.

    Then and only then step back, and slowly edit and change any visual aspects and layout (one at a time) and record exactly what you change. You will end up less frustrated and building your site and getting it up and running in half the time.

    Just what I would do, and an easier way if it were me, based on building too many of these sites and making the same errors and or doing similar.
    I agree with you Pete. It's that I have been really struggling with the flynax software, (not that it or the support is bad) but it's just that my idea from the beginning was to move away from the wordpress cms (for more features) and this one has a whole lot of features which I love, but it doesn't come with pain in the process. I need to get a grip on things and start learning them. I will take another deep breath and try it again. As far as the 'less important' stuff, like colors, fonts, and the like...I have worked with that only to really frustrate myself but had help from you guys to help me out, which I truly appreciate, but I worked with that style - back to front as you stated, which I somewhat agree with you on that but that was because of the lack of being able to figure out the other more 'technical stuff'. So now that I am picking up on that...

    On the flip side of the technical stuff, I have created the categories I am happy with, at least for now. I have started to figure out some of forms, it's not that I don't know how to use them, I have populated all my categories using the listing types page, build short-form, and I see in the admin page, and post ad page, but from there, I see the browse form builder is for area with the gallery and list view icons. I am making progress, but it's gotta all fall into place...Eventually.
    Last edited by Brian Jester; May 28, 2019 at 03:38 AM.
    Thank you - Your Welcome

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