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Thread: SSL Issues & Unable to login

  1. #1

    SSL Issues & Unable to login

    I tried to install this script several times and tried to figure out what's wrong with the script.

    First issue: I get an error on requirements page called: "Apache mod_rewrite module" is Undefined (in orange color!). I proceeded since I know that mod_rewrite is already enabled on my server.

    Second issue: When I tried to enable the https URL (by changing the config.inc.php ), I was not able to see any plugins list and links that display on the Dashboard. So I removed the script, and tried to onstall it again, and this time enabling SSL from the beginning. After installing, I was not able to login to the Dashboard. This is maybe because I use Cloudflare SSL besides my Lets Encrypt Certificate from my hosting? Any solution for this issue?


  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    Could you create a ticket so that we would look into the issue ?

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