As i understand in version 4.7, there is a new strategy from flynax for 404 pages and expired listings.(if it was in 4.6.2 ,i was not noticed)

Meta tags nofollow and noindex for 404 pages and noindex for expired listings.
we can see them in source view like this
Only registered members can view the code.
First of all, i am totally agree with both of them. From google point of view, each website have a limited budget for pages crawling.
So, 404 and expired listings uses this budget and do not permit to new pages and listings to crawl and index.

Second, i think there is a little problem with expired listings.
According to function metaRobots() in rlCommon.class.php :

Only registered members can view the code.
I recommend using
Only registered members can view the code.
instead of
Only registered members can view the code.
The reason is cron job. cron/index.php line nearly 140
Only registered members can view the code.
So in the
Only registered members can view the code.
It obviously causes
Only registered members can view the code.
reset to 0 and False

And then, we will not have
Only registered members can view the code.
in all expired listings which cron run on them.
I hope it is clear.