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Thread: Bump up and Highlights usage limit

  1. #1

    Bump up and Highlights usage limit


    I was wandering if there would be somehow a way to limit the bump up and highlights usage hourly? For example I would like to have a listing package for paid accounts (for example properties) that contains 2 bump ups and those users can use them at any time but for free accounts the bump ups and highlights can be used every X hours being that X available to configure. So that, when I create the package I offer 2 bump up or highlights with a limit use of 12 hours in between, if the user uses a highlight, he or she cannot highlight or bump up the same listing until 12 hours has past but should be able to use it for a different listing.

    I hope I'm clear on my concern.


  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    It is possible through a customization

    you can create a ticket and we'll quote it

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