Dear Flynax Family,

Is there any way if I can set flynax to change Display mode from Default to Small Thumb Grid based on screensize. Like if screensize width is > 900 then it is default, but if it is <899 then it show as small thumb grid?

I look at the plugin and found this part in listing_box_block.tpl, I think this is where it control the display view

<!-- listings boxes -->
{rlHook name='featuredTop'}

{if !empty($listings_box)}
<ul id="listing_box_{$block.ID}" class="row featured{if $box_option.display_mode == 'grid'} lb-box-grid{/if} with-pictures">
{foreach from=$listings_box item='featured_listing' key='key' name='listingsF'}{strip}
{assign var='type' value=$featured_listing.Listing_type}
{assign var='page_key' value=$listing_types.$type.Page_key}
{if $box_option.display_mode == 'default'}
{include file='blocks'|cat:$smarty.const.RL_DS|cat:'feature d_item.tpl'}
{elseif $box_option.display_mode == 'grid'}
{include file=$smarty.const.RL_PLUGINS|cat:'listings_box'|c at:$smarty.const.RL_DS|cat:'listings_box.grid.tpl' }
{if $config.mod_rewrite}
{assign var='href' value=$rlBase|cat:$pages.add_listing|cat:'.html'}
{assign var='href' value=$rlBase|cat:'index.php?page='|cat:$pages.add _listing}
{assign var='link' value='<a href="'|cat:$href|cat:'">$1</a>'}
<!-- listings boxes end -->