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Thread: Category Imp/Exp plugin questions...

  1. #1

    Category Imp/Exp plugin questions...


    Edit: I figured this one out...Man, this plugin is simple! I love it, now to test it!

    I have some questions regarding the category import/export plugin:

    1. Is there a way I can preview what the final xls file will look like before importing, as in on the plugin page, and not the xls file itself?
    2. Can this plugin import the listing types as well as the categories?

    Which brings me to the last question. How should the rows and columns look like in the xls file:
    I looked at the example, but just couldn't figure it out by the looks of it, and I didn't want to import it before I know some more information, which I have provided above and below:

    Would this be a correct Example?

    Only registered members can view the code.
    Thank you again!
    Last edited by Brian Jester; May 5, 2018 at 08:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Hello Brian, the best way to set up a import is to first run an export of anything, then rename that export to import file or similar and clear it ready for your import data to be added.

    There are 5 columns that you need to complete they are > Category > Parent Category > File Path > Level > Lock

    Q1. ? not fully understanding the question, but you would be able to see edit the file before importing as in the example.
    Q2. not that I know of ? maybe this is assigned afterwards.

    Your example in the import file would look like

    Sporting Equipment | Football Jerseys | NFL | Collegiate | High School | Juniors

    Sporting Equipment | | Sporting Equipment | 0 | 0 |
    Football Jerseys | Sporting Equipment | Sporting Equipment/Football Jerseys | 1 | 0 |
    NFL | Football Jerseys | Sporting Equipment/Football Jerseys/NFL | 2 | 0 |
    Collegiate | NFL | Sporting Equipment/Football Jerseys/NFL/Collegiate | 3 | 0 |
    High School | Collegiate | Sporting Equipment/Football Jerseys/NFL/Collegiate/High School | 4 | 0 |
    Juniors | High School | Sporting Equipment/Football Jerseys/NFL/Collegiate/High School/Juniors | 5 | 0 |

    * the last 0 can be a 1 if you want the category locked when loading which is a good idea, to allow you to have a guide on what categories you need to then set up seo, build category etc before you release them live.

    If you count the forward slashes " / "in the file path that will equal the level number required.

  3. #3
    Thank you Pete, your explanation was perfect!

    Regsarding the #1 to be clear, I just wanted to know if there was a preview before importing so I can see the structure, it did in fact have a preview and that was perfect!

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    I am doing exactly as you said.

    My excel file works great with the DEMO site
    but on my portal it does not show any preview list to import after uploading file as if file was empty

  5. #5
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Planet Earth

    Make sure that the php extension php_zip is installed on your server
    create a ticket regarding this issue

  6. #6
    Hello Sam,

    Would you please send us the file which you want to import on your site.
    Also into Admin Panel in the top right side exist button: System Info. Click on it and find parameters:
    max_input_var, memory_limit and post_max_size. What a values do you see?
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  7. #7
    Hello Flynax Team,

    I have imported sub-categories, which I had to delete, simply because I had the category already created, and when I imported the sub-categories, I had a duplicate of the category name. Question: How do I import just the sub-categories, but not the category names so I don't have to delete again. How should the xls file look? I have exported with the categories already created, but I need to import and not put the category name just the sub-category names.
    Last edited by Brian Jester; September 21, 2019 at 12:07 PM.
    Thank you - Your Welcome

  8. #8
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Planet Earth
    Unfortunately, the plugin doesn't support sub-categories import

    you can use either main categories or parent categories with sub-categories

  9. #9
    How will i can to fix problem with "Default owner" Screenshot_1.jpg
    The plugin offers to choose from a list, but there is no list.

  10. #10
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    You should type something and then select you account from autocomplete list

    if it doesn't work create a ticket and we'll check it

    make sure that google traslator is disabled

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