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Thread: Why MultiField is super slow..and possible to backup?

  1. #1

    Why MultiField is super slow..and possible to backup?

    I m trying add the city at the multifield/geofilter, but it is really super slow and once i got an error MySql Error.

    I m afraid it might corrupt till i lost all my data.

    Anyway to make it faster?

    Last edited by Kuo ching Liew; April 20, 2018 at 12:51 PM.

  2. #2
    And also any way to edit the lat, long that we inserted in?


  3. #3
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    - Make sure that your system memory is at least 512 mb. Check php config 'memory_limit' and increase its value if it's less than 512 mb (ask your hosting)
    - if you have mysql error when you try to import locations data from Flynax server follow the instructions on this thread: http://forum.flynax.com/showthread.p...1706#post21706

    lat and long are genereated by google when saving/editing listing and saved into database table '_listings' (Loc_latitude & Loc_longitude columns)
    you can change their values

  4. #4
    Thanks for your reply.
    Actually i need help for the multifield/geo filtering plugin. The super-slow problem is solved by deleting all other countries data.
    Another problem crops up.
    After key in a list of city, the city column in the add-a-listing form only reads from the existing city (only 1) that can be found at fl_geo_mapping and never detect the newly added cities name.
    What is the function of multifield then?
    my website : pro***.com (will delete the name later)

    Last edited by Kuo ching Liew; April 24, 2018 at 11:14 AM.

  5. #5
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Planet Earth
    actually 'fl_geo_mapping' table is related to Location Finder plugin and used for refining your location on the map when it's not precise via Plugins > Location Finder
    and when you go to add-listing form your location is displayed in the 'right' place of the map (when detected or selected)
    but it doesn't allow to change location names

    if you have problems with detecting your location on the map or your edited location has no effect on the map create a ticket regarding this problem

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