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Thread: hreflang problem

  1. #1

    hreflang problem


    i am having problems with hreflanf tags

    since i have two languages and the english is not my default language, website seems to open on english in all countries. it iss not that much problem as well but it opens also in english in origin country which has its own default languages.

    how do i set this up?


    PS: i also want to remove my whole name from the forum posts and enter kind of alias because of privacy. where do i change those settings?

  2. #2
    Hello Jasmin,

    I have cleared browser cache and cookies and your site opened in your default language BHS. https://prnt.sc/iy5iob
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  3. #3
    hi viktor and thank you for your respond

    as i checked google analytics it seems to open the page everywhere else on default language, only not in countries where it is origin language.

    so lets say you live in for exaample russia, and have website with russian and and english language whhich has russian as a default language. you want your website open in russian in russia and ukraine, but instead your website opens in russian everywhere else but in russia and ukraine. in theese two countries it opens in english which is totaly counter effect.

    i have the same problem. sorry for explaining so "plastic"


  4. #4
    Hello Jasmin,

    Go to Admin Panel >> Basic Settings >> General, find line: Preffered language redirect
    IF you enable it the system with check browser language and open site in browser lang. (if exist of course )
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  5. #5
    thx viktor

    everything is already set as you said, and still works how i previously described


    i think it has to be issue in hreflang code but i cannot figure it out

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