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Thread: One listing per listing type/category and delete function

  1. #1

    One listing per listing type/category and delete function

    Hi Flynax Dev.,

    Is there anyway if I can make so that per user can only have 1 listing for 1 specific listing type or category? Say I have a Job and a Biz category and I want the user to be able to post 1 listing for each category. To post another listing he/she has to delete the old one.

    Also is there any way if I can disable delete listing function for specific category as well?

    Thank you so much for your best effort to help us

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    Hello Wei Hong,

    - the only way to set one listing per one category is to create a 'Single Listing' package for each your category: Monetization > Listing Packages > Add a Package > Show in categories > check your category; Package type > Single-listing Package

    - by default, there is no such feature to restrict users in deleting their listings, it will require modifications

  3. #3
    Hi Rudi,

    Thank you for your suggestion. I have a free listing plan unlimited for all categories. Is there any way if I can simply set limitation listing quantity for one category, let's say resume. And other categories are selling stuff should be unlimited.

  4. #4
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    Unfortunately, it's not supported
    It can be done only as a customization

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