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Thread: item lists Smaller scrennsize grid changes to list

  1. #11
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    Ok, go to templates > blocks > grid_navbar.tpl and remove the following code:

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  2. #12
    Hi Rudi!

    I don't have such a code in my grid_navbar.tpl 4.8.2 version. Seems like we're using different templates. Mine is general_flatty. There is no code referring to media_query or mobile.

    But at the top of the file there are codes:

    {assign var='grid_mode' value=$smarty.cookies.grid_mode}

    {if !$grid_mode}
    {assign var='grid_mode' value='list'}

    {if $listing_type && !$listing_type.Photo}
    {assign var='grid_mode' value='list'}

    {if $grid_mode == 'map' && !$config.map_module}
    {assign var='grid_mode' value='grid'}


  3. #13
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Planet Earth
    There is the same code at the bottom in the general_flatty

    Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 5.43.16 PM.png

  4. #14
    There is not a code in my file referring to to mobile at all.

    It has
    if (typeof listings_map_data == 'undefined' || listings_map_data.length <= 0) {

    if (view == 'map') {
    } else if (view == 'map') {


  5. #15
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    Then the files in your template are not updated to 4.8.2

  6. #16
    Oh, sorry Rudi.
    You are right. 4.8.2 version has this code, and I've installed 4.8.2 version, but when you suggested about this file I opened it from 4.8.1 version. I compare the codes from different versions sometimes, that's why 4.8.1 folder directory is on the file managers memory and I opened the file from this folder.

    Now I'll check it out and let you know about the result.

  7. #17
    Yes Rudi, it worked!

    Thank you very much!

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