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Thread: Seo name for images

  1. #1

    Seo name for images

    I noticed that the setting for image seo name are in classes/PictureUpload.php and the image will take its name from the listing fileds added to the lisitng title ( when build a category)

    Only registered members can view the code.
    Is there a way to make this connected to the featured form?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    ? Not sure but when adding a picture if you choose to add alt text (using the pencil option) it will override the default listing title anyway.

  3. #3
    That is different thing That will not change the name of the file itself
    This new function will rename the images with the listing title when they are uploaded. My listing title is very short ( 1 word) so i want to change to the featured name becuse i can be very flexible to set images name and this way they will be relevant for seo purposes

  4. #4
    i am sure is a small change for this . Does it require customization?

  5. #5
    An answer would be highly appreciated

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