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Thread: How to merge 2 listings with different key

  1. #1

    How to merge 2 listings with different key

    Okay, I made a spelling error for the type of listings so one listings with the key sale_rent and one listing with the key listings. It end ups that I have some ads in both of them so my question is: how to merge listings and listing, the two types, with each other without loosing any listings? It would be great if you could move between types.

  2. #2
    You can move listings through Move function in admin panel. Ap>Listings manager > check listings you want to move and then you will see actions dropdown menu near per page selector in grid.

    Listing type technically is not related directly to listing, listing type is attribute of listing category. So you have just change category of listing to appropriate one. Then delete unnecessary listing type.

  3. #3
    Thanks Mike, I figured this out yesterday, now I only have 3 problems left to wash out; can not see any listing details, work under admin panel but not in the front end, the admin panel reports 15 listings but I have 11 pages with listings, the .htaccess must be configured for Apache 1.3.x

  4. #4
    Could you please submit a ticket with ftp login details we will look into it and will try to fix the problems.

  5. #5
    Hi again, i found details in your tickets and made changes to htaccess file. Listing details and account page rule works fine now. Let me know if you still have problems with it.

    But better to do it through tickets system, you'll get faster response there.

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