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Thread: Dealer since date issue

  1. #1

    Dealer since date issue


    How can i add the "dealer since date" in the dealer page and in the dealer infos in listings details sidebar ?

    Actually the "dealer since date" are not shown like in the flynax demo website.

    The current code in the listing_details_seller.tpl is :

    {if $seller_info.Type}
    {assign var='type_replace' value=`$smarty.ldelim`account_type`$smarty.rdelim` }
    {assign var='date_replace' value=`$smarty.ldelim`date`$smarty.rdelim`}
    {assign var='date' value=$seller_info.Date|date_format:$smarty.const. RL_DATE_FORMAT}
    <div class="type">{$lang.account_type_since_data|replac e:$type_replace:$seller_info.Type_name|replace:$da te_replace:$date}</div>

    but it doesn't show the join date of dealers.

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Hello Amir,

    You need to find phrase with key "account_type_since_data" and change "module" to "common".

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Thank you, Curtis.
    @Flynax Company

  3. #3
    Great, it's works !

    thank you Curtis

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