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Thread: Problem in the design and I need help

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  1. #5
    Hello Viktor,

    yes I can, then now I fix it.

    .col-md-8 bootstrap is from size to width so the right side is ca. 10 px over the inside-container you can see on my image in the first post!
    It's will show if the content use background color!

    I modify :

    line 361 .col-md-8 width: 66.66666667%; to width: 65.333333333%; may be is not so excatly but work

    line 764 add .col-md-8 { width: 65.1111111111%; }

    and then we must a litle bit modify in the styles too for the home Page, listing details page and @media size for responsive style.

    Cheers Sripai
    Last edited by Sripai Schraepler; February 6, 2017 at 01:40 PM.