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Thread: restricted image size upload

  1. #1

    restricted image size upload

    Some of the users upload very small size images and as a result, the images show in listing detail page looks terrible, and the water mark of the size looks like an elephant. Is there any way if I could restrict the image size for uploading, that it must have minimum of 600x400, if not then no images allowed.
    Also is there anyway if I could add default images for listing types or categories?
    For example: car default images for car listing type, house default images for real estates listing type.

    Thanks, Flynax Dev.

  2. #2
    Hello Wei Hong,

    We have added this point to our task for the next version. We will create this functional in next version. But if you need it now you should create a new ticket with your request.
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

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