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Thread: ads on white

  1. #1

    ads on white


    I updated several plugins and now when I access the ads (todogadget.net), I see everything in white


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Jose carlos Picon davila View Post

    I updated several plugins and now when I access the ads (todogadget.net), I see everything in white

    So, it may be issue in the similar listings plugin, if you use it make the following:

    1. open file: /plugins/similarListings/rlSimilarListings.class.php, find code (~211)

    PHP Code:
    Only registered members can view the code
    2. and replace it to:

    PHP Code:
    Only registered members can view the code
    Thank you, Curtis.
    @Flynax Company

  3. #3
    [QUOTE=Curtis;11897]So, it may be issue in the similar listings plugin, if you use it make the following:

    1. open file: /plugins/similarListings/rlSimilarListings.class.php, find code (~211)

    if (method_exists($this, 'url')) { $listings[$key]['url'] = $this->url('listing', $listings[$key]);} else { $listings[$key]['listing_title'] = $GLOBALS['rlListings'] -> getListingTitle( $value['Category_ID'], $value, $value['Listing_type'] ); }

    This code does not match the one with my file, I have replaced and it seems that I have solved


  4. #4
    OK. Also we already fixed this issue in last update of the Similar Listings plugin (1.0.5 version), you can check it.
    Thank you, Curtis.
    @Flynax Company

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