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Thread: flynax seo issue

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2015

    flynax seo issue

    hi flynax teams..

    really i m so disappointment about flynax i had very bad script befor flynax script but really i had many user from google search (from seo)
    nearly i start to use flynax script 2 months and i have 0 user from google seach

    i been test full listings title at google and i been looked first 10 page but i could not see my site
    same news too

    please flynax teams fine solution for this

    here video


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    (I am no giggle expert but have been working with this topic) - That has only been listed 5 days so it may not be in google at this stage usually wait for a week and then check ? also I see in the page source your keywords section is blank not that, that matters but it does look like you have set the rest of the page seo up. Maybe wait a few more days.

    Also have you installed the site map pluggin ? if not that would be a starting point.

    I have also asked flynax re the SEO because I wanted to ensure that I had correctly done what was needed to be done as suggested by flynax before I juped up and down about the SEO. I was told that flynax would develop a comprehensive SEO best practices or correct set up proceedure PDF type download that everyone can use.

    At this stage this has not been done, but the flnax team can get busy and I am sure it will be produced at some point down the line.

    What I can say is what everybody knows anyway, they are these 4 keys

    1. Have the keywords in your title
    2. Have the keywords in the URL ( title should do this )
    3. Have the key words in your H1 tags ( title should do this if the category SEO settings have been set properly )
    4. have the keywords in the first 150 chars of your description ( do not need to be the same order or exact words )
    5. (Bonus) Use images with alt text and add related keywords

    All basic on page SEO then wait for a week or so for it to be processed and show up on giggle. Depending on your keyword you should appear all over page one but some keywords will be very hard to rank for and if so try and work with a keyword with less competiton if you want the top spots.

    I am sure you know all of this anyway.

  3. #3
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Hello Sahap,
    Firstly I would like to ask you don't create the thread with such subjects without deeper investigation of problem.
    Also thanks to Pete, his advises very helpful and I recommend following them.

    To speak on my own, I also suggest that you fill in all META DATA fields in the admin panel >> news >> edit article.
    Also I found a few minor problems in your sitemap.xml, our tech already working on the plugin update.

    The plugin update will be ready during a hour, after that your news should be indexed by the google.
    Also you'd better open an Google Webmaster tools account and submit your sitemap (http://www.diyarvitrin.com/sitemap.xml) there.
    Webmaster tools will help you to define the problems with your sitemap and bad links on the site.

    I will keep tracking your issue to solve it as soon as possible.


  4. #4
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Hello Sahap,
    We have updated the sitemap plugin for you, now you should add meta data and wait.
    I hope the article you mentioned in the video will be indexed by google soon.

    The article position in google search depends of article it self, we can't help with it.


  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    thank u very much for your imformation about seo Pete Young
    i been done nearly all long time ago just missing H1 tags i dont know how to do ?

    Thank u very much for taking care of John

    John please can u go and look my tickets so maybe you understand me why i wrote like this !!
    you are already know i asked on forum compressionJscss pluging active to you . you did but completely does not work.
    add cart btom not working then active compressionJscss pluing you can not added any items to your carts?? now it s not active compressionJscss pluing
    i done ticket about seo long time ago but no body care and answer it
    still i have many problem with mobile sistem i been ticket long time ago no answer it too
    I do not know how my voice will satisfy you!!!!

    i update sitemap but still im not sure it s working or not be cause i looked flynax sitemap completely different then mine
    when u active sitemap pluging it s give some link and i could not fine both of links on my htaccess files

    The new Plugin has been successfully installed.
    1. Replace the string (if exists) in .htaccess file:
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.html)$ [NC]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.html|.xml|.txt)$ [NC]

    please if u have time John can you look ..you have my all acount already

    thanks diyarvitrin.com
    Last edited by Sahap Gezer; April 10, 2015 at 10:57 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    <h1>İstanbul da Konut Fiyatları coştu gidiyor!</h1>

    Your title is already in H1 tags you do not need do anything it has been built into the flynax script, you just need to read your source page to see this, and glad your ok with the seo stuff, just i was like you and confused with getting stuff to show in google, now i am able to get most titles in multiple spots on the first page, so was just trying to help you out.


  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2015
    hello John

    after update the sitemap plugins still have 2 errors at google Webmaster tools


  8. #8
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Hello Sahap,
    Ok, we will check it. I will keep you updated in this thread.


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