I have run the install several times but it always stops at "Config file creation" and just sits there.

Installing on: http://www.thepilotsclub.com/
In a sub-folder: /classifieds/
PHP Version: 5.2.1 (Running on my own Centos 5 VPS with WebMin/VirtualMin)

I have checked and manually set the file/folder permissions correctly.

No files have been updated by the process (I checked the Last Modified for files in /tmp and /includes and /install

In the "Advanced Settings" I left the admin folder as "admin" although the installation is in a sub-folder. I then tried : "classifieds/admin" but just got a 500 error.

In between installs I have removed the tables too.

Also the errorLog/errors.log is empty.

On Requirements it shows "Apach mod_rewrite module" as "Undefined"