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Thread: Configure homepage featured gallery for Auto Flatty Template

  1. #1

    Exclamation Configure homepage featured gallery for Auto Flatty Template


    Anybody can provide a quick overview and steps to follow to add featured ads into the homepage featured gallery?
    Here is the code responsible for this (home_content.tpl)

    <section class="home-content clearfix">
    <div class="gallary">
    <div class="featured_gallery{if $demo_gallery} demo{/if}"><div class="preview"><a {if $config.featured_new_window}target="_blank"{/if} title="{$lang.view_details}" href="#"><div></div></a><div class="fg-title hide"></div><div class="fg-price hide"></div></div>
    {assign var='featured_gallery' value=true}
    {insert name="eval" content=$gallary_content}
    {assign var='featured_gallery' value=false}

    <div class="search-form">
    {include file='blocks'|cat:$smarty.const.RL_DS|cat:'side_ba r_search.tpl'}

  2. #2
    I need to say that I'm not really satisfied for the support provided.
    I've asked by support tickets to resolve access (today is the 4th day) to the admin area for auto template. Everytime the same answer: clear your cookies.
    Guys! I accessed it from 3 different VPS located around the world, all what I can see it's a blank page.
    Try for yourself: http://auto.demoflynax.com/admin/

    Then, this forum is useless. I found questions from users from december with no feedback or answers left by support team. Some questions are related to my
    problems too.

    I'm wondering if I've paid 500E for some scripts and now invest in custom programming from my end to implement things already visible in your demo but
    unable to reproduce for a new website.
    For example, in your auto demo flatty template, in css file there are with 500 lines of code more than in template available for download.
    Why? How we can compare what we have with how it should be if the demo version is another thing, different than product already paid?

  3. #3
    If i understand you correctly you would add featured ads to the home page gallery via listing plans, if the listing plan the ad is associated to has the 'make featured' option. Or in admin you can upgrade ads to featured.

    Ps the link to auto demo admin also shows blank page to me.

    I dont think the domos have extra features than the downloadable script. I have been a customer for over 2 years and never noticed any differences between demo and my script. Maybe the extra code is due to the plugins that are installed.

    If i am honest i have been happy with support over my 2 years here and have enjoyed working with numerous members of the flynax team. I am sure and aware we all have different experiences though.
    New Site: CameraSpecs https://bit.ly/3G4uYA6

    Old Site: MotorAdsUk

  4. #4
    Hello Guys,

    Featured gallery will work if Featured box will appear in "top, middle or bottom" position and have some listings.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I am having same problem, on the default installation, using flatty theme, I have added new featured listing but:
    - Main/Home page still displays - "Demo Gallery, please create feature listings"

    1. Which option/box in the AP is responsible for this box? and why my listing is not displayed?
    2. When I go to the Autos section, this listing appeares in every category, even aftger I change it to not featured

  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2015

    IT turns out when I choose paid package standard, and then try to upgrade to featured it doesnt work.
    All other options (ex. free package and then upgrade) work

    So when I have a package:
    - why My Packages is empty? even though I purchased one? Packages appear only after I "Grant a Plan" in the AP
    Last edited by Client_uk; August 23, 2015 at 12:02 AM. Reason: provided more information regarding the issue

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