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Thread: Procedure to fresh installation flynax with all data intached ?

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  1. #1

    Procedure to fresh installation flynax with all data intached ?

    Dear Flynax developers,

    I noticed that every new version has many changes (for example the navigator has been removed) and since I used a very old version of flynax, I want to fresh installed a new version of Flynax and want to keep all data including data entry, listing field, listing info, account, account info, etc.
    May any of the developer take some times to fill me in with the procedure to do this? For example download and install a fresh copy of Flynax, then back up this folder: "files" then restore this following mysql table to attain a fresh flynax site with all data intached.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Hello Wei,

    Of course we can install fresh version and stay your all old data previous version. But may be you have some customizations and it will cost you additional. Will be better if you create a ticket with your request. We will discuss about it there.
    Also what version do you use?
    Last edited by Viktor; April 28, 2015 at 09:27 AM.
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  3. #3
    Hi Viktor,

    I actually dont have any special modification except some template changes. I just paid for the extended support so will it still cost money if I want a fresh reinstallation for my flynax site with old data intached? Because honestly, I paid for extended support just to fix some conflict regarding the hook table in mysql. I have 2 flynax sites, one is just newly developed and has no problem, when the other was in 2013, and i have been creating tickets just to fix some hooks conflict for it. Alan has been helping me fix many hook issues that I spotted. But I'm not sure if that was all. I figured a fresh installation would solve all of the hook problem.
    Last edited by Wei Hong; May 24, 2015 at 08:34 AM.

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