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Thread: Best way to migrate flynax across servers (4-4)

  1. #1

    Question Best way to migrate flynax across servers (4-4)

    I want to move our flynax script to another host, we are interested in finding out the best way to migrate the data?

    I saw the database migration plugin but noticed it says its for flynax 3-4, didnt know if it would would the same for us.

    We are using the latest version on both servers. primarily have things setup in the administration side that we would like to move over with ease, instead of manually rebuilding data entries and the like.

    I am capable of handling the technical aspects, but really want the best (least problems) method to migrate the install. Fortunately we dont have any listings that we are concerned about as we are still in development phases. But the adminstration end is filled with customized data entries, languages, categories and etc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hi Jonathan,

    The fastest and best way to copy flynax from host a to host b is follow.
    Download and install MySQLDumper on host a you will find it here.
    After installing use MySQLDumper to make a backup of your flynax database. (Save the sql backup file to your pc.)

    Now backup the complete flynax folder from host a and uploaded it to host b. Delete or change nothing in the folder!
    Install MySQLDumper on host b. Then you have to restore database on host b with the sql backup file.

    Finally you have to edit the config.inc.php for host-b. ( includes -> config.inc.php )
    Thats all.

    This is just a suggestion.
    I have ever done it successfully without loosing my customizations on flynax script.
    Why MySQLDumper? It can handle large databases despite maximum execution time that is usually set to 30 seconds!

    Best regards
    Last edited by Steffen Buschkemper; May 24, 2013 at 06:43 AM.

  3. #3
    In addition what Steffen posted, i will post instruction when both hostings have cPanel as control panel.

    To copy website we have to copy database and files and then make adjustments to configuration file.

    It's good if both hosting (old and new) have cPanel installed, it will allow to do all transfer within few minutes, because they have file

    manager with zip-unzip feature, otherwise it's necessary copy files through ftp to pc and then back from pc to new hosting (it's very bad,

    not stable and long).

    So best if you have cPanel, alternatively to the ftp method much faster it can be done though the ssh as there is zip-unzip too

    Steps to migrate website:

    1. Login to cPanel and open filemanager, go to the root website directory, select all files and folders (admin, backup, files....) and zip

    them. Save file to your pce

    2. Go back to cPanel home page and open phpmyadmin to do database export. Select database, go to the export page and perform export (save

    file to your pc), you can also select compression

    3. Login to your new hosting cpanel > filmanager> upload zip file with site files and unzip it.

    5. create database if it's not created, save somewhere login details

    6. go to new hosting > phpmyadmin, open import page select database file (sql, .sql.zip or sql.tar.gz if it's compressed) and import the


    7. open includes/config.inc.php file and type new database details and also correct system path if necessary.

    If you don't know what is the system page to the root script folder you can get it with adding following code to the index.php file for

    example or config file itself

    echo dirname(__FILE__);

    system path looks usually like /home/sitecom/public_html/

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I followed these directions to transfer to new hosting, however, I'm getting 404 errors on every page. I think it has something to do with HTTPS redirects, but I don't know how to test. I haven't transferred the domain yet as I want to test to make sure it works beforehand. Thoughts?

  5. #5
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    Make sure that Flynax .htaccess file is provided in site root derictory
    create a ticket regarding this problem

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    I've followed all the steps but I'm getting blank page.
    Here is the line in error_log

    PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/myhome/publich_tml/includes/control.inc.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/share/pear') in /home/myhome/public_html/index.php on line 39.
    Any suggestion would be welcomed.

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