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View Full Version : 'Rent time frame' missing at Add Listing Page

June 12, 2010, 07:19 PM
Hi, i have set 'Rent time frame' to active, but it is still missing on the Add Listing page. Thx for help.


June 20, 2010, 06:20 PM
Hello Tomas,
- Please go to Admin Panel >> Categories
- then choose necessary category and click on "build" icon
- it is forms builder, check, is there necessary fields in this form
- add this field if it does not appended to form.

Looking forward to news from you.

July 1, 2010, 12:17 PM
Hi John,
does that mean i have to edit all categories? I just want to have 'rent time frame' as a mandatory field in case of 'For Rent' has been choosen during 'Add Listing' process. In case of 'For Sale' the field 'Rent time frame' should be inactive or even not visible.


Ivan Amador
June 6, 2015, 11:11 PM

I would like to know if you solved this issue?

If someone choose to add a property 'For Sale' the field 'Rent time frame' should be invisible.
