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View Full Version : edit logo's and meta description

Pete Young
January 7, 2013, 11:21 AM
As the title says how do I edit out the default logos and add mine, and edit the meta description please, from what I can see this is not covered in the guide.


Chris Brown
January 7, 2013, 06:44 PM
Which logos do you mean, the main site logo? if so you will have to upload a new one to you theme.

Meta descriptions are in different places, you can add meta descriptions etc to pages, by going to admin panel, find pages section and choose to edit them, here you will find what you need.

You can also add meta desriptions to categories and listings, go to admin panel, categories and choose to edit them, you can add descriptions, keywords etc there

Rajinikanth T
January 15, 2013, 06:53 AM
How to upload the Logo to the theme?
I could not find it in my admin


January 15, 2013, 08:06 AM
Hello Rajinikanth T,

How to upload the Logo to the theme?
I could not find it in my admin

You can do it via FTP.
Open your FTP > templates > your template > img - upload your logo with name logo.png
if you have RTL languages you need to upload in rtl folder. FTP > templates > your template > img > rtl

Rajinikanth T
January 17, 2013, 11:52 AM
Thanks Dmitry

Rajinikanth T
January 17, 2013, 12:02 PM
Thanks Viktor

Josphat Lagat
February 28, 2013, 02:05 AM
Does anyone know how to add page tittle and H1 to home page?

February 28, 2013, 03:31 AM
Hello Josphat Lagat,

You should go to ftp://templates>>your_template>>tpl>>content.tpl

find code:

{if $pageInfo.Key != 'home'}
{if $print || $navIcons}
<div class="fleft">

<div class="fright" id="content_nav_icons">
{rlHook name='pageNavIcons'}

{if $print}
<a class="print" title="{$lang.print_page}" target="_blank" href="{$rlBase}{if $config.mod_rewrite}{$pages.print}.html?item={$pri nt.item}{if $print.id}&amp;id={$print.id}{/if}{if $print.type}&amp;type={$print.type}{/if}{if $print.period}&amp;period={$print.period}{/if}{else}?page={$pages.print}&amp;item={$print.item}{i f $print.id}&amp;id={$print.id}{/if}{if $print.type}&amp;type={$print.type}{/if}{if $print.period}&amp;period={$print.period}{/if}{/if}"><span></span></a>
{*if $rss}
<a class="rss" title="{$lang.rss_feed}" target="_blank" href="{$rlBase}{if $config.mod_rewrite}{$pages.rss_feed}/{if $rss.item}{$rss.item}/{/if}{if $rss.id}{$rss.id}/{/if}{else}?page={$pages.rss_feed}{if $rss.item}&amp;item={$rss.item}{/if}{if $rss.id}&amp;id={$rss.id}{/if}{/if}"><span></span></a>

{if !empty($navIcons)}
{foreach from=$navIcons item='icon'}
<div class="clear"></div>

and replace to:

{if $pageInfo.Key != 'home'}
{if $print || $navIcons}
<div class="fleft">

<div class="fright" id="content_nav_icons">
{rlHook name='pageNavIcons'}

{if $print}
<a class="print" title="{$lang.print_page}" target="_blank" href="{$rlBase}{if $config.mod_rewrite}{$pages.print}.html?item={$pri nt.item}{if $print.id}&amp;id={$print.id}{/if}{if $print.type}&amp;type={$print.type}{/if}{if $print.period}&amp;period={$print.period}{/if}{else}?page={$pages.print}&amp;item={$print.item}{i f $print.id}&amp;id={$print.id}{/if}{if $print.type}&amp;type={$print.type}{/if}{if $print.period}&amp;period={$print.period}{/if}{/if}"><span></span></a>
{*if $rss}
<a class="rss" title="{$lang.rss_feed}" target="_blank" href="{$rlBase}{if $config.mod_rewrite}{$pages.rss_feed}/{if $rss.item}{$rss.item}/{/if}{if $rss.id}{$rss.id}/{/if}{else}?page={$pages.rss_feed}{if $rss.item}&amp;tem={$rss.item}{/if}{if $rss.id}&amp;id={$rss.id}{/if}{/if}"><span></span></a>

{if !empty($navIcons)}
{foreach from=$navIcons item='icon'}
<div class="clear"></div>

save and check :)

Josphat Lagat
March 1, 2013, 06:19 AM
thank you so much

Mirza Mujkanovic
October 20, 2013, 04:22 PM
Hello guys,

i have one question concerning the logo issue.
I alredy changed the flynax tab logo to my own logo. But when i klick on a listing page "Print out the page" a new tab opens.
In this new opened tab is still the flynax tab logo so i want to change it.
How is this possible?
Thanks in advance.



October 21, 2013, 04:57 AM
Hello Mirza,

I have checked on your site and on print page I don't see any logos. Would you please send me screenshot of page with flynax logo

Mirza Mujkanovic
November 2, 2013, 03:23 PM
Hello Viktor,

check out the image:

Wei Hong
December 13, 2013, 06:54 AM
I know that you can add meta description in different places including categories like www.yourdomain.com/jobs/ . But I can't find a way to add meta description on home page. Say: www.yourdomain.com . How do you do this?

Chris Brown
December 13, 2013, 07:20 AM
Think it's in the content section in admin, content/pages. Find the home page there and add meta

Wei Hong
December 13, 2013, 08:13 AM
Think it's in the content section in admin, content/pages. Find the home page there and add meta

Got it. Thank you :D