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View Full Version : Extend listing live time following the Upgrade to Featured plan.

December 28, 2012, 10:33 AM
I notice an issue with live period after listing was “Upgrade to Featured”.

For instance: should your basic listing expiry date is set for Tomorrow, but you decided to Upgrade to Feature plan today, when you will lose your money, because after it expires; the Featured Upgrade will expires accordingly.

Q: does anyone know how to extend listing live period after Upgrade to Featured plan?

January 3, 2013, 07:06 AM
But when you renew your listing will you have active Featured status.

Q: does anyone know how to extend listing live period after Upgrade to Featured plan?

It require changes to the code in several places, but it's not good if every time you update Featured status it will update Pay date of listing.

What if Listing active period is long, but featured period is short and it will make active period short too.