View Full Version : How to show location information on system pages?

Spencer Culpin
September 28, 2023, 05:07 AM

When looking at a system page like: https://realty.demoflynax.com/properties.html . I would like to use:

{if location_level3}{location_level3}, {/if}{if location_level2}{location_level2}, {/if}{if location_level1}{location_level1} {/if}

For SEO purposes at the top of the page that would show the correct location for a page like: https://realty.demoflynax.com/united-states/california/san-francisco/properties.html

I've created a content box that shows on each properties page, but when I enter the location code into the html box, it isn't parsed when the page is shown, and just shows the code instead of the location.

Can you suggest a way to show the relevant locations in a content box or text on a page like: https://realty.demoflynax.com/united-states/california/san-francisco/properties.html when not using any categories, just the property location?

Many thanks

September 28, 2023, 05:55 AM

It will require a customization because the plugin supports code only for categories and pages

Spencer Culpin
September 29, 2023, 05:14 AM
Thanks for your reply and help Rudi.

It would be great if the "pages" had the same option as the categories configuration, with a description box too :-)