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View Full Version : Changing the link associated with the logo

Foxpin Inc.
October 2, 2012, 09:55 PM
When I click on the logo on the upper left side, the link takes me to index.php. How do I change this so that the link takes me to another page?

I've checked all the .tpl files and the .css files... I don't see where I can change this. Thanks!

Chris Brown
October 2, 2012, 10:01 PM
It will be in your header_home and/or header_main files in your template, will be near the top look for

<div id="header_home">
<div id="logo">
<a href="{$rlBase}" title="{$config.site_name}">

Foxpin Inc.
October 3, 2012, 12:02 AM
It worked!

How can I change the link from the favicon? (please see attached .jpg picture)


October 3, 2012, 03:42 AM

You can change it in the combined image: templates/your_template/img/gallery.png (We recommend using the Photoshop as a graphics editor.)

Tyler Flagg
February 3, 2019, 10:15 PM
Hi there,

I just came across this thread and tried to make the changes listed above, but had no success. I went into the "header.tpl" file and found a few lines of code similar to what Chris Brown mentioned above.

<section class="point1">
<div id="logo">
<a href="{$rlBase}" title="{$config.site_name}">
<img alt="{$config.site_name}"
srcset="{$rlTplBase}img/@2x/logo.png 2x" />

When someone clicks the header logo, I want it going to a different page. I tried replacing {$rlBase} with the hyperlink to the new page, but that didn't work.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!


February 4, 2019, 02:38 AM
It should work. Maybe existing some cache on your server. Also, you can send ftp access to my PM and I will check it in more details.