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View Full Version : Recurring Subscriptions

Akram Elsayed
May 20, 2010, 11:35 PM
Not having anymore technical problems anymore, but here comes some basic FAQ questions. I'll spread them out over days :) I know you said the site supports recurring payments. So my question is this...

My site is going to use recurring for all paid ads/subscriptions. To me, it's a great sales tool because people will not always come back because their busy, no responses to their ad, etc. and it's easy for them also to forget to cancel (I've done it myself).

How do you set the plans as recurring?

Then, how do they cancel their ad without deleting it? So if they paid for a month and it automatically bills for the second month and they want to cancel the subscription a few days into the second month, how do they do that? I don't want to get into refunds so my policy will be cancel at any time, but your remaining days left will be honored for payment already rec'd. There is a delete option but that removes it completely.

Which I would still like because if they have sold the item, they might not want to be contacted anymore. So, they would need cancel recurring billing while using remaining days left and delete ad completely.

I know I was told it supports recurring, I just haven't found where and the manual does not cover that. Thanks! :D

May 24, 2010, 01:39 PM
Hello Christina,

Not having anymore technical problems anymore
Glad to hear it :)

About recurring payments now, at first we have PayPal recurring payment plugin.
This plugin does not relates to special listing plan, it works the same as "PayPal Express" or "2CO payments". Let me describe this process step by step:
1. User add new listing to some category and choose "PayPal Recurring" payments as payment method.
2. System redirects user to PayPal website
3. User proceed checkout using PayPal instruction and complete the payment
4. Payment completed and PayPal redirects user back to our website
5. Listing payed and active, now when owner go to "My Listings" manager, he will see a "Unsubscribe PayPal" button, he may click it, in this case system will redirect him to the PayPal website where user will be able to close this listing requiring payment.
6. PayPal will charge the user until he cancel the payment.

So it is simple.
Let me know if you have further questions.

Akram Elsayed
May 25, 2010, 06:42 AM
Thank you John for your fine detailed reply! I missed that plugin when I installed most the others. I think because there's already a regular paypal. I just installed plugin, but still need to make an acct with Paypal. I don't know anything about 2CO processing or some of the others. I looked them up and found 2CO & AuthorizeNet have signup fees and other large fees so passing on them for now. Quantum doesn't list their prices so probably a fee as well. So for now, I'm sticking with all the others.

So, can the others like Google Checkout and AlertPay use the recurring subscriptions they offer as well or would they need a special plug in for it to work? I know they offer it on their site, but don't know if it integrates in what is already here.

If we can't offer in a listing (which is an idea for a feature request), I'd like to only offer the payment processors preset for recurring subscriptions. If I offer one recurring and others not, then many will probably select the one time deal. Which will probably bring down sales.

Thanks! :D

May 26, 2010, 03:33 AM
Hello Christina,
We will review the recurring payments for other gateways and update our plugins.
I will keep you informed in this thread.