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View Full Version : RSS Feeds Not Working

Noel Bautista
September 30, 2012, 06:49 AM
The RSS feeds are not working both in the main website and per category basis. My site is located here: http://tsikot.com.

If I access the feed (the main website and the categories), I am getting script errors.

I am getting these error if I access this: http://tsikot.com/rss-feed/

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: http://tsikot.com/rss-feed/
Line Number 341, Column 57: if ( !$(event.target).parent().hasClass('account') && !$(event.target).hasClass('account') )

and if i access the cetgory feeds: http://tsikot.com/rss-feed/category/60/

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: http://tsikot.com/rss-feed/category/60/
Line Number 341, Column 57: if ( !$(event.target).parent().hasClass('account') && !$(event.target).hasClass('account') )

Can anyone give ideas on how I can fix this? I already submitted a ticket for this with Ticket ID: FAS-156215



October 1, 2012, 05:28 AM
Hello Noel,

Would you please create a ticket with ftp access details in. We will fix it asap.