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View Full Version : Configuring the Booking Plugin v2

September 24, 2012, 11:14 AM
Configuring the Booking Plugin v2.0.1 for Flynax Software v.4.1.x

Flynax Booking Plugin v.2.0.1 enables you to set up daily booking and add rate ranges.

After successful installation the plugin will add 2 new listing fields to your site: Check Availability and Booking Tab, which are associated with the booking functionality.

Check Availability - a search field used when building search forms; you will need to add it to appropriate search forms from the admin panel.

To add the Check Availability field to a search form go to Admin panel > Forms > Search forms > Select a listing type > Click icon to build a search form by dragging and dropping the field onto the search form.


Booking Tab - the basic booking field enclosed into a Field Group called Booking.

Note: If you set a General Category (parent category) for all categories and subcategories of a particular listing type then the Booking Tab field will be added to every submit form. If a General Category is not set for a listing type then you will need to add this field to every submit form manually from: Admin panel > Categories > Select a category/subcategory to build > click on the build icon > add Booking Tab field to the submit form by dragging and dropping it onto the form.


To enable the booking calendar on listing details you will need to do the following:

1. When adding/editing a listing field Booking Tab select YES; after doing so a button in the form of $ will show up under My Listings next to other listing icons. When clicked the button will open a page - Booking details, on which you will see:

- All booking requests for a particular listing;
- Rate Ranges Manager, which is also available when adding/editing a listing conditioned that the Booking Tab field = YES;
- Binding Dates Manager; it will be available only if Binding Check-in/Check-out function is enabled from Booking Settings.

2. The Booking Plugin offers two ways for calculating prices:
- Using Rate Ranges, which allows you to set prices based on rate ranges;
- Using prices set in listings*.

If a listing has Rate Ranges only then the calendar will offer dates that were made available through the Rate Ranges Manager.

If there is a Time Frame field filled in (and also ratio set) in this case all dates will be available and price will be calculated based on this field, for example: if a listing price amounts to 5,010 USD and if Per Month is selected from the Time Frame field then daily price shown in the calendar will amount to 167USD; if Per Week is selected then the price will be 715.71USD

* - You are supposed to have a field called Time Frame offering the following options: "per day", "per week", "per month", "per year, etc". If the field is missing on your site you will need to create it using time_frame key and then add it to submit forms of appropriate categories; you also need to set ratio for the Time Frame field from Admin panel > Booking System > Additionals.


If you have issues with the Booking Plugin v2.0.1 after installation:

1. Update the Plugin to the latest version.
2. If issues persist after updating (mysql errors, instability etc) go to Admin panel > Plugin > Reinstall the Plugin; you are supposed to be notified of successful reinstallation.
3. If you did not get a notification, please reinstall the Plugin one more time until you are notified of successful reinstallation.

If you failed to install, configure or reinstall the Plugin feel free to contact our helpdesk and we would gladly help you.

Petrache Nicolae
June 19, 2014, 09:47 PM
Hello. I have a major issue regarding this plugin.
Let's say that i will list a hotel wich has 100 rooms. I create the listing, i select the prices per periods so all fine. But, once i make a reservation i see huge issues:
1. i can't select anyware how many rooms i want to reserve.
2. i make a reservation - for 1 room since i am forced so- for a period of 5 days. i finish the reservation and all looks fine. But wait...It's not, becouse if i want to make another reservation for the same period i can't becouse the hotel (aka room) is already booked.

So this lovely plugin with big potential is nothing but a waste of time (unless i missed something), so if i am wrong, please take a time and explain. Thanks