View Full Version : Template Plugins...

Brian Jester
May 14, 2018, 10:46 PM
Hello Flynax,

I was thinking that having a Template Plugin area on your plugins page. Why you ask? Well let me give you an example. A template plugin to change the select menus site-wide (for example: chosen selects) If you consider doing this, then you will have less customization's relating to design, and you put most of your focus on the programming which is what is needed mostly, and I am sure I am speaking for many of us on the forum, we just don't have the professional coding skills, just the skills to manage our website(s) with some varying design skills. If you can implement a Template Plugin section, and create plugins for all your templates to do requested site wide, (site wide things - like I mentioned about select menus) ONLY for the Templates.

Craigslist Clone - Will have it's own plugins

General Simple - Will have it's own plugins

General Wide - Will have it's own plugins

General Modern - Will have it's own plugins

Heavy Machinary - Will have it's own plugins

Auto Wide - Will have it's own plugins

Auto Main Blue - Will have it's own plugins

Auto Main Red - Will have it's own plugins

Auto Brand - Will have it's own plugins

Auto Modern - Will have it's own plugins

Pets Wide - Will have it's own plugins

Realty Wide - Will have it's own plugins

Real Estate Map - Will have it's own plugins

Boats Wide - Will have it's own plugins

Boat Seaman - Will have it's own plugins

Escort Wide - Will have it's own plugins

Escort Velvet Flatty - Will have it's own plugins

Escort Sun Cocktail - Will have it's own plugins

General Flatty - Will have it's own plugins

Auto Flatty - Will have it's own plugins

Pets Flatty - Will have it's own plugins

Realty Flatty - Will have it's own plugins

Boats Flatty - Will have it's own plugins

Escort Pink Flatty - Will have it's own plugins

May 21, 2018, 10:19 AM
Hello Brian,

Plugins are using design from templates. If you install the plugin and check on each template you will see that the plugin will use design from template.
That's why I don't know why you created this post. Would you please show us an example.

Brian Jester
May 21, 2018, 10:34 PM
Hello Brian,

Plugins are using design from templates. If you install the plugin and check on each template you will see that the plugin will use design from template.
That's why I don't know why you created this post. Would you please show us an example.

That's what I was not getting, that the plugins are using design from templates.I am forgetting I am not with wordpress anymore, where you can have one plugin that will work with one template, but might not work with another template. That's why I love flynax, plugins designed will work with all templates.

Thank you for exaplaination Viktor!

May 22, 2018, 03:09 AM
Thank you for your warm words :) Happy to assist you.