View Full Version : Cron Job- Automatically refresh for Recalculate the number of listings

Halit Kincal
February 28, 2018, 07:11 PM
I recommend an option in admin panel- Cron Jobs for refresh "Recalculate the number of listings in all categories" automatically.
Because, Listings numbers need Recalculation very often. The administrator selects a time interval and the operation is been automatially.

March 2, 2018, 11:49 AM
Helo Halit,

In fact, we've already considered this option but in some cases recalculating listings (besides the other operations) may slow down the server when there are many listings

But you can manually implement it in your cron file: go to ftp > cron > index.php

add at the bottom of the file the following code:

$reefless->loadClass('Controls', 'admin');
$rlControls->ajaxRecountListings(false, true);

Now listings will be recounted per each cron running