View Full Version : Option to make listing fields non-editable

June 19, 2017, 03:32 PM
On all my sites, I end up having a customization that makes the listing Title field non-editable. This means that the user/member can create the listing Title, but then they cannot edit it. If they need the Title changed, for whatever reason, they contact our support.

Why do this? Enabling the user to edit the Title means that they can effectively change the entire listing from one product (ie property, car, boat, etc) to another, and "recycle" their listing. If your site charges for listings and packages, this can result in lost sales.

In my case, it's the Title field, but you may want make another field non-editable to make the customer contact you for assistance and create an opportunity to upsell or cross sell them on something.

It would be nice to have an option in the admin for Listing Fields to make fields editable (or non-editable). In fact, 2 other classifieds platforms offer this feature.

Thank you

June 20, 2017, 08:11 AM
Hello Ron,

If you change title you will not lose results. You can write any title as you want but matters only ID system will find listing by ID and redirect to correct url :) And ID user cannot change because it is system variable.

try to use this link: https://auto.demoflynax.com/autos/chevrolet/corvette/test-test-only-test-32.html

June 20, 2017, 02:29 PM
Hi Viktor.
Yes. The listing ID (ie number) stays the same, but the user can still change ALL the information in a listing, including the Title, effectively making it an entirely different listing (ie product, service, etc).

Using your example, the listing is currently "1967-chevrolet-corvette-32.html". The user can change the Title to "1982 Chevy Corvette" and now the listing is for a different vehicle ("1982-chevy-corvette-32.html"). Even though the ID (ie 32) stays the same.

That's why making listing fields non-editable is helpful (and why the other platforms offer that feature).


Pete Young
June 21, 2017, 02:38 AM
would the search engine cache cause problems if these were swapped out, for example in google finding "1967-chevrolet-corvette" but being directed to "1982 Chevy Corvette" ?

I see what your saying, and not saying wrong or right, but as above should deter anyone from doing this and even if they did do it they would only get the remaining days on the listing they have paid for, so in that they have paid for what they are about to use and must re pay when that is due ?

Even more importantly I can say the current version of flynax has an error where when a listing is renewed it does not take one from the available listings in the package meaning that, they get any update for free any they can update forever on the one ad for free.

I do not know if this is in the standard version or if this error is created by a plugin, but currently working with staff to find the problem.

June 21, 2017, 04:57 AM
Hello Ron and Pete,

I am not sure we will include this changes to new version of the Flynax. I will discuss with our developers about the feature of course but cannot promise you to include in future.

Wei Hong
June 22, 2017, 11:04 AM
I also think this feature. In my case when we need user to submit a certificate or ID to their listing for services. I would like it to be uneditable as well. :)

June 22, 2017, 11:24 AM
Ok guys 2 more requests and I will create new task to developers for the new version.

Pete Young
June 22, 2017, 02:14 PM
Even more importantly I can say the current version of flynax has an error where when a listing is renewed it does not take one from the available listings in the package meaning that, they get any update for free any they can update forever on the one ad for free.

I can confirm there is an error in the latest version where listing are upgraded for free forever and at best it is not related to a plugin, so as of now a person could continue to change title / listings forever and a day and not pay another single cent. As soon as I get another renewal I will video the error and send in a request for a fix ?

June 23, 2017, 05:41 AM
Hello Pete,

You can set limit of using for the free plans and users will not upgrade listing again only when buy a new paid plan.

Pete Young
June 23, 2017, 07:35 AM
yes Viktor, I am talking about paid plans and the system being faulty, I have a renewal now, so I will record the error and post it.


OK now I am even more confused, instead of taking one listing away it is giving away a free listing as well as updating for free. (I will take more videos on more updates to confirm.

You can see at the start of the video I have 46 remaining listings in a 48 package / I then renew the listing, which should then set my remaining balance of listing to 45 (46-1), but what happens here is It updated my listing and gives me an extra one for free as well and I now have 47 listings available to me.

I will check some more but before this it did not add one, it just stayed the same, so I am not sure what gremlin is running around. Will post my next renewal and see.


OK next update, did as all others have been, so will need to work out why one was added before, but here you can see I have 23 of 24 listings in a package remaining, I renew a listing and after I renew it should read 22 of 24 remaining, but the count does not change after renewal and stays at 23, meaning we can renew forever and a day at no after cost.

will do some more tests as they come through.


it gets even more puzzling I added a new listing package to this account and everything has worked properly ? will need to do further testing to work out where and why this error occurs.

June 23, 2017, 10:53 AM
Hello Pete,

Yes you are right, I have checked on my local version and I see the same problem. I will create new task for our developers with the problem.

Pete Young
June 23, 2017, 12:44 PM
Hello Pete,

Yes you are right, I have checked on my local version and I see the same problem. I will create new task for our developers with the problem.

OK Viktor, I will keep testing to see if I can find the problem, and will not submit a ticket but wait here for solution.

Wei Hong
June 25, 2017, 07:33 PM
OK Viktor, I will keep testing to see if I can find the problem, and will not submit a ticket but wait here for solution.

Hi Pete, is this bug in 4.5.2 or 4.5.1?

Pete Young
June 26, 2017, 12:31 AM
Wei Hong, I have the latest version 4.5.2 from memory it was OK in 4.5.1 but I would probably still check

Pete Young
June 28, 2017, 09:37 AM
How is this fix going Viktor or is best to create a ticket ?

June 28, 2017, 10:07 AM
Hello Pete,

We will fix it in the next version of the Flynax but if you need it now I suggest you create new ticket with the request. Vladimir will fix it for you ASAP.

Pete Young
June 28, 2017, 01:54 PM
Hello Pete,

We will fix it in the next version of the Flynax but if you need it now I suggest you create new ticket with the request. Vladimir will fix it for you ASAP.

? Thanks Viktor, I think anyone running paid classified listings would need this fix ? is there nobody charging for listings ? everyone is free. I would have thought this was a major problem / flaw in the system for most everyone ? maybe I am wrong.

June 28, 2017, 02:20 PM
Hello Pete,

Ok I will ask our developers solve it faster.

Wei Hong
June 29, 2017, 09:59 AM
Honestly I haven't even have a proper running site. Still learning and busy with other work