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View Full Version : Escort Wide Change user menu

Ilyas Bakouch
April 15, 2017, 01:53 AM
Is there a way to decide which element to display and which to hide in the user menu ? (See attached)



April 15, 2017, 05:38 AM
Hello Ilyas,

Of course :) Go to Admin Panel >> Pages then find page which you want to add/hide into user menu and click edit icon. Then find line: Show in menus and check/uncheck 'Account menu'.

Ilyas Bakouch
April 15, 2017, 01:13 PM
Sweet ! Thx Viktor.

So how about showing a menu item by user type ?

Ex: I want the item "Add profile" (in the attached picture) to be only shown to a certain user type. Is there a way to do that ?

April 18, 2017, 04:13 AM
Sweet ! Thx Viktor.

So how about showing a menu item by user type ?

Ex: I want the item "Add profile" (in the attached picture) to be only shown to a certain user type. Is there a way to do that ?

You can configure access for each page by each of account type.
