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View Full Version : (Plugin) Promo code does not applies to

April 27, 2012, 06:15 PM
(Plugin) Promo code does not applies to “Upgrade Listing to Featured”
After several tests, I notice that promo code does not work for “Upgrade to Featured” from user’s account area.
Every time I’m trying to apply promo code, the system automatically redirects me to a payment gateway (PayPal) with $0.00 amount.

Chris Brown
April 28, 2012, 12:29 PM
not sure if this helps http://www.flynax.com/forum/showthread.php?327-Coupon-Code-problem

May 1, 2012, 12:31 AM
Thanks Chris,
It works now.
I used the information you provide at your link.

To resolve the issue you have to:

1. Ftp to your server;
2. Go to Includes subdirectory;
3. Open a file called upgrade_listings.inc.php; and
4. Add a string:

$rlHook -> load('phpListingsUpgradePlanInfo');

Under the following code:
/* get plan info */
$plan_info = $plans[$plan_id];
$current_plan_info = $plans[$listing['Plan_ID']];
