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View Full Version : Error in Templates -> js_config.tpl ???

Steffen Buschkemper
April 6, 2012, 06:12 PM
Hi @ All.

I'm not quite sure. But I think that there are errors in js_config.tpl

Version: Software General 4.01
Templates: All

Error starts @ line 39

rlConfig['mod_rewrite'] = {$config.mod_rewrite};
rlConfig['sf_display_fields'] = {$config.sf_display_fields};
rlConfig['account_password_strength'] = {$config.account_password_strength};
rlConfig['messages_length'] = {$config.messages_length};

Is this an error?
I think the code would have to be so:

rlConfig['mod_rewrite'] = '{$config.mod_rewrite}';
rlConfig['sf_display_fields'] = '{$config.sf_display_fields}';
rlConfig['account_password_strength'] = '{$config.account_password_strength}';
rlConfig['messages_length'] = '{$config.messages_length}';

Am I right or wrong there?
Sorry for my bad English - I'm from Germany

Best regards
Steffen Buschkemper

May 8, 2012, 12:41 PM
Hello Steffen Buschkemper,

Would you please send me your site name. I want to check it online. Would you explain me what an error are you seeing?

July 26, 2012, 05:09 AM
Hello Steffen,
Actually all listed settings should be exists and js error shouldn't be occur.
Your solution is good but not enough, I suggest doing the following:

rlConfig['mod_rewrite'] = {if $config.mod_rewrite}true{else}false{/if};
rlConfig['sf_display_fields'] = {if $config.sf_display_fields}true{else}false{/if};
rlConfig['account_password_strength'] = {if $config.account_password_strength}true{else}false{/if};
rlConfig['messages_length'] = {if $config.messages_length}{$config.messages_length}{ else}250{/if};

Try it, it should works good.
