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View Full Version : pagination for listing box

Jermaine Rivera
February 19, 2012, 08:30 PM
how do I apply pagination to my listing box?
Here is the current code im using:

global $reefless;
global $rlSmarty;

$reefless -> loadClass("ListingsBox", null, "listings_box");
global $rlListingsBox;
$listings_box = $rlListingsBox -> getListings( "listings", "random", "8" );
$rlSmarty -> assign_by_ref( "listings_box", $listings_box );
$rlSmarty -> assign( "type", "listings" );

$rlSmarty -> display( RL_PLUGINS . "listings_box" . RL_DS . "listings_box.block.tpl" );

Thanks in advance to any and all replies.

May 4, 2012, 12:06 PM

It cant be done easily unfortunately. As listings are in the block only possible solution i see is to add pagination which will work through ajax.
It require few hours of custom work, you can request in through our ticket system if you interested.

But we are likely to implement carousel effect in the new version of the plugin, which will change listings in block.