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View Full Version : Feedback on Auto Responsive template beta!

Maaz Surchy
February 23, 2014, 03:13 AM
Hello dear

I am one of who have been testing new Auto responsive template, and I can report it still needs alot work and more time.

1. First of all, I use RTL (Right to left) language, and the new responsive template is not supporting it, as far as I have tested it.

2. Apache and Java Errors, too much.

3. Listing details view page, for me, its so confused (visitors or the buyers dont know where to focus. At all, the services who use this template wants their visitors to focus on details that can it possible to sell and buy.

4. Gallery inside listing details, not working

5. Cant add any listing on front-end, just via admin. Can only be able to add new listing if you chose Autos on main Menu, then chose a category, then add a new listing from link provided there.

6. Too much free space between listing details page fields and functions.

and here is what I like:

1. The new slider, perfect
2. The new featured cars listing box
3. The new view of recently added, all listing etc
4. The new main menu
5. New Search
6. New view of body style.

Here is some tips from me, for listing details view page:

There should not be too much free space between map and fields, map and the field right of image gallery.

Here is how I wish Listing View Details page should look like.
Its simple, clean and good focus on details.

Or See the picture full size

Its my opnion, what do you think?

Matthieu Kauffmann
February 23, 2014, 08:11 AM
Happy to see that i'm not the only one with these errors.

On big screens, on the homepage, the search form will not show everything but stay with fixed size and give a slider. It is strange to have a slider for the search criteria, but not that big issue, I can take the minimum number of fields.
On the detail page, same for the block on the top right (car characteristics). Could be nice to have the possibility to make it bigger myself.

But, these 2 issues are not that important, can live with them.

Not being able to select a category, missing pictures and empty tabs, this is really a problem. Did you know it'll be like this when you released it or it is a surprise?

And the "advanced search" hyperlink looks strange on the homepage on a PC.

Petrache Nicolae
February 23, 2014, 10:59 AM
well, at least you did see something. i have general and when i changed template i got blank page with MYSQL text. and that's all. i had to hit back to the browser to change back to default template but this coulded end so wrong. i tested previously other templates and they work fine even if they are not general so this one is quite a special one.

Petrache Nicolae
February 23, 2014, 11:26 AM
and to make things worse, i have now 6 new blocks wich i didn't create and wich can't be deleted becouse they are system? (listing_type_categories,account_alphabetic_filter ,account_search,account_page_info,account_page_loc ation,my_profile_sidebar).

Wei Hong
February 23, 2014, 11:44 AM
and to make things worse, i have now 6 new blocks wich i didn't create and wich can't be deleted becouse they are system? (listing_type_categories,account_alphabetic_filter ,account_search,account_page_info,account_page_loc ation,my_profile_sidebar).

Congrat Petrache :D

P/S: I hope you did make a backup that you can restore to its working condition

Maaz Surchy
February 23, 2014, 12:23 PM
New image added.

Petrache Nicolae
February 23, 2014, 04:04 PM
Congrat Petrache :D

P/S: I hope you did make a backup that you can restore to its working condition

actualy i didn't. who woulded belived such issue. anyway, this seems to be a bad joke. responsive was first advertised to be done till new year. than it moved over and over and now is almost 3 months later and we have what? an early beta with plenty of issues as i can see from the remarks here. i may be harsh but how can you release something that doesn't allow to add a new listing? did anybody tested the workflow at all? at the present speed, we will have a working script with templates and plugins maybe in summer or later.

February 24, 2014, 04:15 AM
Hello Guys,
Thanks for the feedbacks, we did one mistake in the template configuration and it was resulted to some of errors
you listed here, please re-download and upload the template to your server and run the following queries in your admin panel >> database:
DELETE FROM `{prefix}blocks` WHERE `Plugin` = 'responsive_42';
DELETE FROM `{prefix}hooks` WHERE `Plugin` = 'responsive_42';
DELETE FROM `{prefix}lang_keys` WHERE `Plugin` = 'responsive_42';
DELETE FROM `{prefix}config` WHERE `Key` = 'responsive_42';

After that let's continue fixing the problems.


Petrache Nicolae
February 24, 2014, 08:01 AM
i have already manualy deleted the blocks from phpmyadmin, but anyway, thanks for sharing the info in case others needs it

Matthieu Kauffmann
February 24, 2014, 09:46 AM

Much more better. I can see the pictures and post new ad now.

But now, I don't have the "seller info" tab anymore. I liked this tab.

February 24, 2014, 01:29 PM
Hello Matthieu,
Sorry but this template hasn't Seller Info tab, this way is more attractive.


February 24, 2014, 01:31 PM
BTW, the template adds a few new boxes, hooks and some new phrases. Nothing critical.
If you don't like the template, just remove it and run the SQL queries listed above.


Kemoid Wilson
February 24, 2014, 01:51 PM
Hello since you are moving in the direction of a responsive template wouldn't it be better to put the form field title above the form fields instead of infront? A good example where this would be necessary is the contact form which is unattractive on a small screen


Maaz Surchy
February 24, 2014, 05:35 PM
Hello John

After stable realase of responsive template I will require some changes to the template specially on Listing View details page.

How long tim will it take and how much will it cost?

Matthieu Kauffmann
February 24, 2014, 06:06 PM
Maaz, best for you is to open ticket with custom request. And specify exactly what you need.

@John, at the bottom of a car page, adress fields are coming and I can't avoid this, what should I change to hide them? They are not necessary, the adress is already in seller block.

Morgan Bohman
February 25, 2014, 05:22 AM
If the template is responsive, then it would adapt to different view ports. The view ports should then be defined, either in script or in admin panel.


February 25, 2014, 12:38 PM
hi everybody,
Kemoid, is it contact form on listing details page on your screenshot?

Maaz, Matthieu is absolutely right (thanks mate), please follow his advice.

Morgan, I didn't get you to be honest, now the template has a view port specification and you can see it in header.tpl file. I don't think that you should change it from admin panel or somehow because current view port specification is the most proper for responsive template.


February 25, 2014, 12:47 PM
Also guys, feel free to update the plugins which contains update for this new template.
Sure if you didn't customize them too much, in this case you have to compare changes or contact our support.


February 28, 2014, 01:26 PM
Hi there, Beta2 has been released. Re-download template from the Flynax Customer Area and replace it with Beta1 auto_flatty.
After it run the SQL queries from this post (http://www.flynax.com/forum/showthread.php?1919-Feedback-on-Auto-Responsive-template-beta!&p=8777&viewfull=1#post8777).


Matthieu Kauffmann
February 28, 2014, 02:30 PM
Hello, with this version, using the "listing box" plugin to show the last cars, I don't get the pictures in the block. With the previous version it works.

Thomas Yuan
March 1, 2014, 03:42 AM
yep agree with Matt,

The listing box is now showing blank pics, I guess the plugins is one which requires update with the responsive template.

Thomas Yuan
March 1, 2014, 03:46 AM
Also, on the responsive template size of the featured image, and search bar
everything seems bigger... example, the featured slider and the search takes up 2/3 of the whole home page when opening up
Any way to change this to smaller size for all the content boxes?

Petrache Nicolae
March 1, 2014, 08:37 AM
hello again. since the beta 1 didn't work in my website, i decided to give it another try with beta 2. i do not know what you think about this "responsive" template but for me this is the bigest dissapointment in the last years.
i have looked on surface and beside some good things (like floating menu bar), i se only problems and poor design. here are some of the issues

1. footer area. in pc looks ok 834, with 3 columns, but on responsive we have a mambo jambo of links 835
this looks very nice for users.... flynax team, please look in themeforest.net to see some decent design regarding footer....for instance http://themeforest.net/item/jewellery-opencart-responsive-template/full_screen_preview/7000576 where in responsive, the columns turn into a accordion menu. another ideea would be to keep the columns as they are since they are lower than 320px and display them as blocks, one under the other

2.login area. great on pc 836, not so great on responsive 837. we shoulded have the same popup window or if that is not possible in mobile devices, use center aligned texts and olso HAVE THE FACEBOOK LOGIN. why is that missing in responsive?

Petrache Nicolae
March 1, 2014, 08:41 AM
3. multifield filter (based on states/cities). 838 in pc the 2 rows are joined together, the button is a little biger than the 2 rows and to make things worse, after i select a state (first row), the layout of dropdowns and button changes into 839

4. create a new listing is not working 840
i do not see any + to select subcategory and even if i select a main category wich is not blocked, i still can't move forword.
what's with the selection dot . when you have just 1 type? why does it show? can i select something else? NO. that has to be hidden if just 1

Petrache Nicolae
March 1, 2014, 08:46 AM
5. search bar, in responsive, is visible in homepage, but after you select a category the search bar is gone? 841 . search function is the most impoertant feature of any classified auction website. IT MUST BE VISIBLE ALWAYS

6. we select category and see a list of ads and in right side we have grid/list view (ok) and now, olso, we have location on map? 842 . if i recall well, that was a separate plugin, allowing us to use it or not. now that is gone and idin't see an option to disable this feature.

Petrache Nicolae
March 1, 2014, 08:53 AM
7. edit an existing ad by changing images or videos is still incomplete (i mentioned this already and nothing was done). i am a user who wants to change some of my images, i can do that just fine, but after what i am done, what should i do? 843 . i am locked in that page becouse i do not see any button like "Finalise edit" or something to click on it and redirect me into my account to my listings or to the oage wirth the ads details if i edited from there. PUT YOURSELF INTO THE SHOES OF A MEDIUM USER who has entered your website for the first time. you will be lost

8. when i view the list with ads into the list view mode 844 i see duplicated title. once bold, and beneth normal. why? in grid is working ok.

Petrache Nicolae
March 1, 2014, 09:09 AM
finaly, the worst design ever, is after me, the listing detail page.
this is on pc 845 and this is on responsive 846

becouse you did not eliminate the <table> from your code, we have the ugliest and unusable details page ever!!! with images in left side, description area in right side with a scroll? and bellow with tabs that do not work in left side and in right side with the details of the seller and the map? end olso do you find it normal to see in responsive , the description of the ad, as a thin column? if i ad a listing with 10.000 characters, what i will see. a 1 km long thin column? unbeliveble

one of the most important feature that is missing from your script is ATRIBUTES wich are specific to a category (see how they work in ilance.com or on ebay or on mercador.ro and in any modern script). you have listing fields wich is unusable and creates all sorts of problems.
in any of these websites you see images and seller data in first row, in second you see the atributes and in 3-rd you see the actual description.
i am pro for improvements and inovate but what you have done if exactly the opposite.

Thomas Yuan
March 1, 2014, 10:53 AM
Agree with all the points you raised Petrache, but still have to give credit to the Flynax team in creating the responsive template,
Its a big step up from the previous templates, and still at beta stage hence its reasonable to raise these bugs so they can be fixed.

Just my two cents.

Chris Brown
March 1, 2014, 11:46 AM
Like Thomas says, they have classed it as beta, so will be still work in progress for bugs and requests. But initially it's a good start

Petrache Nicolae
March 1, 2014, 12:06 PM
Like Thomas says, they have classed it as beta, so will be still work in progress for bugs and requests. But initially it's a good start

for bugs maybe. for requests? i doubt that. let's be serious. this is a second beta with serious issues, especialy for listing details page. when you advertise something as beeing responsive, be sure to make it realy responsive. what they did by keeping <tables> is totaly wrong and the result can be sean in the description area. and olso, this is a second beta. not even the brand new "add a listing" is not working. i didn't say a word on the fact that images shows horible in grid/list view and when i enter details page i do not see anything. no image at all. so what's the big improvement? just the fact that the width fits to the width of device? responsive means something else. not just this.

like i've said before, check themeforest.com for responsive and you will see what it means, regarding the script - magento, opencart etc

Anand Giri
March 1, 2014, 12:55 PM
Hello since you are moving in the direction of a responsive template wouldn't it be better to put the form field title above the form fields instead of infront? A good example where this would be necessary is the contact form which is unattractive on a small screen

this can be done easily with adminstrator -- configurations - -listings or search settings

Anand Giri
March 1, 2014, 01:01 PM
great job.. flynax.. with responsive template.. a step in right direction

with escorts script.. it works good ..except availability field can u look into this

Maaz Surchy
March 1, 2014, 04:56 PM
First of all, I will say thank you flynax team, we are glad that you every-time do your best to make us happy and wants best for us.

I will say: nothing is free in this world, but we got alot of free help and such good service from flynax team, I am really very glad to be one of your active user and client. Its not difficult for me to make a customize changes for the script, and they really do a good job thinking of a responsive template. Every places, you have to pay to get template, plugins etc, here we got it free.

Thank you flynax
I wish u the best, and be sure I will support your work from now to the future.

Best regards
Maaz Surchy
Kurdistan - Iraq

Wei Hong
March 1, 2014, 06:56 PM
It is still buggy but I least you kept your word this time. So its an improvement. Keep it up.

March 1, 2014, 07:29 PM
Responsive went GREAT on Realty.

Some minor details to adjust, like width on prices which for realty are longer numbers. But its really nice andresponsible view.


Hareesh Ghanta
March 2, 2014, 05:37 AM
do we have any date for the new Templates for Realty

March 3, 2014, 06:18 PM
do we have any date for the new Templates for Realty

This responsive one is doing GREAT with Realty.

It seems bad at first look.
My advice is to set ALL blocks to middle for beginning, and then order.

I started with a fresh realty 4.3v. that helped also probably.

Thomas Yuan
March 3, 2014, 11:20 PM
Hi Flynax team,

great job on updating the Listing Carousel
now all the price tags are looking in order and not overlapping

one thing though, many pics in the carousel are showing black images even though there are images...
this occurred when i updated to the recent flatty beta 2,

Also, i believe the "Bookmark and share" plugin needs to be updated as well
as currently its hidden and not visible, no matter what alignment i set it to

Keep up the great work!!

Thomas Yuan
March 4, 2014, 05:03 AM
Sorry just on my last note,
the listing blank image are fixed within the carousel and working in flatty beta 2
just had to refresh the plugin.

On a different note,
Is there any way to edit the content boxes of the flatty theme?
currently grey....851
I would like to change it to white

Petrache Nicolae
March 4, 2014, 10:34 AM
Sorry just on my last note,
the listing blank image are fixed within the carousel and working in flatty beta 2
just had to refresh the plugin.

On a different note,
Is there any way to edit the content boxes of the flatty theme?
currently grey....851
I would like to change it to white

what is your website?

Kemoid Wilson
March 5, 2014, 02:11 AM
this can be done easily with adminstrator -- configurations - -listings or search settings

I know how to change the form option in the admin panel but unfortunately this does no work for the contact owner form. Did you test it?

Eldar Amirov
March 5, 2014, 08:23 PM
Hello,flynax. Is it possible to add a button to "see how the looks my ads."it must be at last step when i finneshed completion my ads,
and how to remove the word "Locked" if i choose a category for ads?
kind regard, Eldar

Ionut Barabasa
March 6, 2014, 09:40 AM

Aldar you can delete de word LOCKED in Language section.

- when open category the listing are sorted by date. Id change the sorting by other field then is not possible the go back to DATE sorting, because date wont appear in the sorting menu.
-there is no arrow to allow decreasing or increasing sorting for the chosen field

March 6, 2014, 10:13 AM
Hello Eldar,

Flynax has plugin 'listingPreview' for it. After install plugin create in add listing page new step Preview on this step you can see how the looks your ads :)

>>how to remove the word "Locked" if i choose a category for ads?
If you want to remove only word you can do it through ftp://templates>>your_template>>tpl>>blocks>>category_level.tpl at line ~ 21

find code:

{if $cat.Lock}- {$lang.locked}{/if}
and remove it. Save and check again.

But if you want to unlock categories you should go to Admin Panel >> Categories click edit button and find line: Lock the category and disable it. Also in grid Categories exist column: Locked.

March 6, 2014, 10:20 AM
Hello Ionut,

>>- when open category the listing are sorted by date. Id change the sorting by other field then is not possible the go back to DATE sorting, because date wont appear in the sorting menu.
yes we know about it. We will create like you want in next version.

>>-there is no arrow to allow decreasing or increasing sorting for the chosen field
Change positions for sorting (Ascending) (Descending) exist for numeric fields and some other fields.

Matthieu Kauffmann
March 6, 2014, 10:27 AM
Yep it works - good to know for the locked

Hareesh Ghanta
March 8, 2014, 02:43 AM
Hi Viktor,
New theme looks.
1.I have enabled but the my state and city information is gone.i cant not see them as filter and while adding also i cant see them.
2.There is an additional strip shows displays the prices.This looks weird.
3.When there is no images for listed property it does not show anything or leaves a blank space.It would be better if it shows an icon.
4.Phone Number it shows the decimals Example : 9,880,750,823
5.Map shows blank on listing details
6.Refine Search shows Arrary text and thus shows zero results.
7.List ,Gallery and Map View - Map view does not show any properties.and maps are showing twice as the map is already enabled on that page

Could you please help me on the point 1 as this is the top priority.

Eldar Amirov
March 9, 2014, 10:11 AM
{if $cat.Lock}- {$lang.locked}{/if} - it works, Thank you

Kemoid Wilson
March 9, 2014, 05:08 PM
I would like to commend Flynax in taking a turn to responsive design although the look of the new template is less then impressive. Flynax is a great software that is why I think it should have a great front end to compliment it. How can you tell clients that you have the most up to date software with a boring front end? Even though it is a great software if the look and feel isn't up to scratch we will definitely lose clients and I am not telling flynax how to do their job but I wish they had listened to some of us in the forum and used bootstrap as the platform to build the template it would be so beneficial seeing that it is such a large community where help is so easy to find, it wouldn't be so hard for someone like me and others here who isn't skilled in programming to customize.

If Flynax want to build a template that them claim to follow the latest in modern trend I suggest that they look at other templates to get a good idea to work on because this one has a lot of room for improvement.

Petrache Nicolae
March 10, 2014, 06:26 AM
I would like to commend Flynax in taking a turn to responsive design although the look of the new template is less then impressive. Flynax is a great software that is why I think it should have a great front end to compliment it. How can you tell clients that you have the most up to date software with a boring front end? Even though it is a great software if the look and feel isn't up to scratch we will definitely lose clients and I am not telling flynax how to do their job but I wish they had listened to some of us in the forum and used bootstrap as the platform to build the template it would be so beneficial seeing that it is such a large community where help is so easy to find, it wouldn't be so hard for someone like me and others here who isn't skilled in programming to customize.

If Flynax want to build a template that them claim to follow the latest in modern trend I suggest that they look at other templates to get a good idea to work on because this one has a lot of room for improvement.

i think that you and me and posibly a few others have the expectations higher than flynax can deliver. and why should they bother when so many give congrats about the new "responsive"? this thread shoulded be about reporting bugs and flynax respond to them. so far i have sean 0 feedback from flynax (like we are barking to the wrong tree) and olso, 70% of the thread is about x,y,z kissing flynax for the "marvelous" job they did instead of doing something useful like reporting bugs to finaly have at least a working template for each type of script. I trully am sorry for the fact that Steffen doesn't show/respond anymore becouse we lost a potential alternative, a better one based on some of the things that he shown us.

March 10, 2014, 06:47 AM
Hi there,
We are working on the bugs fixes and improvements of responsive template now; taking into account the feedbacks of our anger Petrache :)
I hope this week we will present beta 3 or release version of the template. Thanks all for feedback and assistance!


March 10, 2014, 06:53 AM
I think this problems was fixed in Beta2, also the you may increase/decrease the size of all fonts by playing with
font-size property of body tag style in style.css file (at the beginning)


March 10, 2014, 08:49 AM
1. footer area. in pc looks ok 834, with 3 columns, but on responsive we have a mambo jambo of links 835
this looks very nice for users.... flynax team, please look in themeforest.net to see some decent design regarding footer....for instance http://themeforest.net/item/jewellery-opencart-responsive-template/full_screen_preview/7000576 where in responsive, the columns turn into a accordion menu. another ideea would be to keep the columns as they are since they are lower than 320px and display them as blocks, one under the other
"mambo jambo of links"... sounds good, btw on the sample (themeforest) you show us, they use "mambo jambo" style at the very bottom menu as well :)
Anyway you are right, two columns of the menu in mobile view and single column in too narrow screen looks better.

March 10, 2014, 08:59 AM
3. multifield filter (based on states/cities). 838 in pc the 2 rows are joined together, the button is a little biger than the 2 rows and to make things worse, after i select a state (first row), the layout of dropdowns and button changes into 839

It will be resolved in next multiField plugin version

Petrache Nicolae
March 10, 2014, 09:23 AM
"mambo jambo of links"... sounds good, btw on the sample (themeforest) you show us, they use "mambo jambo" style at the very bottom menu as well :)
Anyway you are right, two columns of the menu in mobile view and single column in too narrow screen looks better.

i have told you to take a look at responsive themes in themeforest to see better implementation for the footer links. like i'v said, it can be done via accordion menu for footer links or by showing them as blocks, one block under the other. "mambo jambo of links" ix exactly what i have right now 859
this should not look like this, considering that are at least 2 alternatives that i mentioned already.

from the example i've shown, you took the part that is the less relative to our case, to bottom footer links wich are not important. in that theme the actual footer area is the one on top, with 4 major blocks (Information, Extras, My Account, Contact Us) 860 wich groups proper links for each block. that looks clean and perfect for any new user and in responsive mode converts into easy to use and great look via accordion menu. Unfortunaly, i can't say the same thing for the footer area from your theme, as it is now. Don't get me wrong. we have the flexibility to have such footer by chosing what pages/links we wish to put on footer, but have no control of them. Viktor did a customisation for me in 4.1 wich allowed to do exactly this (chose the position of any page/link in any column/row from admin area) and that was great. For me is not a big deal since i will convert my footer anyway via hardcodding, but as always, is better to have the flexibility delivered by the script and not by hardcoding.

March 10, 2014, 09:45 AM
2.login area. great on pc 836, not so great on responsive 837. we shoulded have the same popup window or if that is not possible in mobile devices, use center aligned texts and olso HAVE THE FACEBOOK LOGIN. why is that missing in responsive?
It is bad practice to use popups on mobile view and that is why sometimes we replace them with links to pages where the user
may do the staff much easily using whole screen size. In our case it is login page, see the screenshot.
Also about text align in the header, once you have more then one language the right part uses for Languages Selector
and in this case we can't align it center. Anyway we aligned it center if you haven't more then one language.


March 10, 2014, 09:50 AM
Petrache if you want the accordion footer menu, it doesn't mean that we will include it in template, you should understand it.
Also you should be more polite in your posts on the forum because 80% of your post are partly negative.


March 10, 2014, 09:55 AM
4. create a new listing is not working 840
i do not see any + to select subcategory and even if i select a main category wich is not blocked, i still can't move forword.
what's with the selection dot .
Looks like it is some javascript error on the page, check it in fire bug or just submit a ticket, we will check it.
It works properly for me in my working version.

when you have just 1 type? why does it show? can i select something else? NO. that has to be hidden if just 1
Yes you are right, we have to hide the radio selector if there are only single type of listing. Fixed in next update.


Thomas Yuan
March 10, 2014, 10:33 AM
Hi John

For the new flatty theme

Could anyone please tell me which file i need to edit, to remove the image slider (the preview image on the bottom)
and change the size of the search bar?


March 10, 2014, 10:50 AM
5. search bar, in responsive, is visible in homepage, but after you select a category the search bar is gone? 841 . search function is the most impoertant feature of any classified auction website. IT MUST BE VISIBLE ALWAYS

6. we select category and see a list of ads and in right side we have grid/list view (ok) and now, olso, we have location on map? 842 . if i recall well, that was a separate plugin, allowing us to use it or not. now that is gone and idin't see an option to disable this feature.

About Keyword search, don't agree with you. There are many important thinks and it doesn't mean that we have to stick it on all pages.
About listings on map view, it is integrated in the template and if you use this template you may uninstall "Listings on Map" plugin,
it is enough logical I think.


Petrache Nicolae
March 10, 2014, 10:54 AM
Petrache if you want the accordion footer menu, it doesn't mean that we will include it in template, you should understand it.
Also you should be more polite in your posts on the forum because 80% of your post are partly negative.


i've said already that i will add it myself (the acordion menu). that is not the issue. i just pointed out that your design is wrong (and you agreed so as well). in many areas.

for the login area, you failed to tell us why the facebook login is not showing in mobile. or is not important?

"you should be more polite in your posts on the forum because 80% of your post are partly negative" - i tend to be sometimes rude, especialy when things move away of the proper place. for instance, i do not like that from december we are now in march and before the responsive template was released i asked and received reply that in 3-4 days from auto template the rest of templates will be released. what everyone at flynax forgot to mention is that when responsive template is out, is in BETA (not final version as always) and than beta 2 and so on... so those december, than january...march are not realistic. we may have a realty or general template in autumn at this rate. i have no pleasure in checking each day for progress so we can adjust our websites.

anyway, looks like if i point out issues/bugs with your script is not ok, so i will not do it anymore since it's obviosly that you prefere just those wich raise you to haven and kiss you.

Petrache Nicolae
March 10, 2014, 10:57 AM
About Keyword search, don't agree with you. There are many important thinks and it doesn't mean that we have to stick it on all pages.
About listings on map view, it is integrated in the template and if you use this template you may uninstall "Listings on Map" plugin,
it is enough logical I think.


you may uninstall "Listings on Map" plugin - i don't have this addon installed

March 10, 2014, 10:59 AM
7. edit an existing ad by changing images or videos is still incomplete (i mentioned this already and nothing was done). i am a user who wants to change some of my images, i can do that just fine, but after what i am done, what should i do? 843 . i am locked in that page becouse i do not see any button like "Finalise edit" or something to click on it and redirect me into my account to my listings or to the oage wirth the ads details if i edited from there. PUT YOURSELF INTO THE SHOES OF A MEDIUM USER who has entered your website for the first time. you will be lost
Yes you are right but we are pointing to middle skilled users which know how to click links and use bread crumbs.
Just you are first who mentioned about it and we will add such option if someone else vote for it

March 10, 2014, 11:01 AM
8. when i view the list with ads into the list view mode 844 i see duplicated title. once bold, and beneth normal. why? in grid is working ok.
You should just remove title field from Short Form in admin panel because we added Listing Title as title for each listing in grid.

Petrache Nicolae
March 10, 2014, 11:02 AM
you should point out to all users, not just those middle skilled users. any script in this world is doing that. covering all their clients, not losing many of them becouse of a single button that should be present. as a matter of fact, why does it exist in edit listing? if those users already know to click on breadcumbs?

Petrache Nicolae
March 10, 2014, 11:07 AM
You should just remove title field from Short Form in admin panel because we added Listing Title as title for each listing in grid.

looks that there is no need as well for the Price in Short Form

March 10, 2014, 11:32 AM
finaly, the worst design ever, is after me, the listing detail page.
this is on pc 845 and this is on responsive 846

becouse you did not eliminate the <table> from your code, we have the ugliest and unusable details page ever!!! with images in left side, description area in right side with a scroll? and bellow with tabs that do not work in left side and in right side with the details of the seller and the map? end olso do you find it normal to see in responsive , the description of the ad, as a thin column? if i ad a listing with 10.000 characters, what i will see. a 1 km long thin column? unbeliveble

one of the most important feature that is missing from your script is ATRIBUTES wich are specific to a category (see how they work in ilance.com or on ebay or on mercador.ro and in any modern script). you have listing fields wich is unusable and creates all sorts of problems.
in any of these websites you see images and seller data in first row, in second you see the atributes and in 3-rd you see the actual description.
i am pro for improvements and inovate but what you have done if exactly the opposite.
Again, you have javascript errors on page and tabs do not work due to it.

The new details page requires small changes in form and the logic is the following:
The first group with fields and are placed right of images gallery (btw the video placed in the same pictures gallery)
the other fields and groups moved in the first tab under the gallery. In your case you haven't groups and that is
why all fields went to the right of gallery with scroll. Here the proper detail page we planned to have:

Also someone want to have dealer details on the first line but this new way is also good for someone.
The next line of template will be with dealer info on the first line.


March 10, 2014, 11:33 AM
you should point out to all users, not just those middle skilled users. any script in this world is doing that. covering all their clients, not losing many of them becouse of a single button that should be present. as a matter of fact, why does it exist in edit listing? if those users already know to click on breadcumbs?

We will think about it with out UI specialist, thanks for advice.


March 10, 2014, 11:41 AM
i've said already that i will add it myself (the acordion menu). that is not the issue. i just pointed out that your design is wrong (and you agreed so as well). in many areas.

for the login area, you failed to tell us why the facebook login is not showing in mobile. or is not important?

"you should be more polite in your posts on the forum because 80% of your post are partly negative" - i tend to be sometimes rude, especialy when things move away of the proper place. for instance, i do not like that from december we are now in march and before the responsive template was released i asked and received reply that in 3-4 days from auto template the rest of templates will be released. what everyone at flynax forgot to mention is that when responsive template is out, is in BETA (not final version as always) and than beta 2 and so on... so those december, than january...march are not realistic. we may have a realty or general template in autumn at this rate. i have no pleasure in checking each day for progress so we can adjust our websites.

anyway, looks like if i point out issues/bugs with your script is not ok, so i will not do it anymore since it's obviosly that you prefere just those wich raise you to haven and kiss you.

You are not right, we very much appreciate your participation in debugging efforts for improving the script by offering new features and logic but please take it easy and be less tough in your posts.


March 10, 2014, 11:44 AM
great job.. flynax.. with responsive template.. a step in right direction
with escorts script.. it works good ..except availability field can u look into this
Oh, I am so glad to hear some warm words in this thread, many thanks mate!
We are going to spend a few days more to solve the problems on beta 2 and after it we will
start working on responsive general template, then escort and then realty.


March 10, 2014, 12:01 PM
First of all, I will say thank you flynax team, we are glad that you every-time do your best to make us happy and wants best for us.

I will say: nothing is free in this world, but we got alot of free help and such good service from flynax team, I am really very glad to be one of your active user and client. Its not difficult for me to make a customize changes for the script, and they really do a good job thinking of a responsive template. Every places, you have to pay to get template, plugins etc, here we got it free.

Thank you flynax
I wish u the best, and be sure I will support your work from now to the future.

Best regards
Maaz Surchy
Kurdistan - Iraq
Oh Maaz, today I'll go home being happy. Thank you so much for so positive feedback!


March 10, 2014, 12:04 PM
Hello,flynax. Is it possible to add a button to "see how the looks my ads."it must be at last step when i finneshed completion my ads,
and how to remove the word "Locked" if i choose a category for ads?
kind regard, Eldar

We will update the Listing Preview plugin soon.

March 10, 2014, 12:10 PM
Hi Viktor,
New theme looks.
1.I have enabled but the my state and city information is gone.i cant not see them as filter and while adding also i cant see them.
2.There is an additional strip shows displays the prices.This looks weird.
3.When there is no images for listed property it does not show anything or leaves a blank space.It would be better if it shows an icon.
4.Phone Number it shows the decimals Example : 9,880,750,823
5.Map shows blank on listing details
6.Refine Search shows Arrary text and thus shows zero results.
7.List ,Gallery and Map View - Map view does not show any properties.and maps are showing twice as the map is already enabled on that page

Could you please help me on the point 1 as this is the top priority.

Hello Hareesh,
Looks like all problems relate to bad update, you'd better submit a ticket or wait for Viktor's reply in PM.


Petrache Nicolae
March 10, 2014, 12:58 PM
Again, you have javascript errors on page and tabs do not work due to it.


why do not use divs instead of tables for responsive? tables in responsive design is not ok.
in responsive, title of field should show in 1-st row, and bellow, see the content as the whole width of device, not just 40-50%. do this at least for description so users can see it properly

Ionut Barabasa
March 10, 2014, 01:01 PM

I vote for this. 1 year and half ago i mentioned this in a ticket i submitted at that time. This really is important cause on the classified site comes people that do not have advance knowledge . They just want to sell something

Ionut Barabasa
March 10, 2014, 01:02 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Petrache Nicolae View Post
7. edit an existing ad by changing images or videos is still incomplete (i mentioned this already and nothing was done). i am a user who wants to change some of my images, i can do that just fine, but after what i am done, what should i do? Attachment 843 . i am locked in that page becouse i do not see any button like "Finalise edit" or something to click on it and redirect me into my account to my listings or to the oage wirth the ads details if i edited from there. PUT YOURSELF INTO THE SHOES OF A MEDIUM USER who has entered your website for the first time. you will be lost

Yes you are right but we are pointing to middle skilled users which know how to click links and use bread crumbs.
Just you are first who mentioned about it and we will add such option if someone else vote for it


I vote for this. 1 year and half ago i mentioned this in a ticket i submitted at that time. This really is important cause on the classified site comes people that do not have advance knowledge . They just want to sell something

Petrache Nicolae
March 10, 2014, 01:08 PM
you advertise the theme as "- retina ready" but the images are blured in list view (responsive)? even in your demo. you should find a solution to this issue.

Matthieu Kauffmann
March 10, 2014, 01:15 PM
you advertise the theme as "- retina ready" but the images are blured in list view (responsive)? even in your demo. you should find a solution to this issue.

What do you mean?
The thumbnails size need to be change in the admin config panel to 190*130

After this, thumbnails looks great on smarphones and tab.

Petrache Nicolae
March 10, 2014, 03:02 PM
that setting should be already applied in flynax demo, so we can test and report properly any bugs

Kemoid Wilson
March 10, 2014, 06:49 PM
Exactly Petrache Nicolae, the functionality of the new template isn't bad but a lot could be done about the appearance this script have so much potentially and its hard to believe flynax let something like an unattractive template overshadow it. Yes its too bad about Steffen what he was working on showed real promise but that's in the past now.

March 11, 2014, 04:29 AM

why do not use divs instead of tables for responsive? tables in responsive design is not ok.
in responsive, title of field should show in 1-st row, and bellow, see the content as the whole width of device, not just 40-50%. do this at least for description so users can see it properly
Hi there,

We will think about it, probably next update will have caption above the values for mobile version.


March 11, 2014, 04:33 AM
you advertise the theme as "- retina ready" but the images are blured in list view (responsive)? even in your demo. you should find a solution to this issue.

I think you meant the images in listing grids, innit? On the retina displays (or any displays with pixel ration > 1.5) the high resolution pictures
load only in case if you are on high speed internet connection because the high resolution images are heavy and load not fast.


Hareesh Ghanta
March 11, 2014, 11:10 AM
Hi john,
Thanks.could some one help me with the Multi geo filter issue please.

Eldar Amirov
March 13, 2014, 08:55 PM
We will update the Listing Preview plugin soon.

Thank you, I will wait.

Athanasios Christou
April 20, 2014, 09:56 AM
Hi Flynax team
The template looks good.

Placeholder attribute is only supported in IE 10 and higher.
Is not it quite useful to change this in the template?

<input name="f[price][from]" class="numeric" type="text" maxLength="15" placeholder="from">

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10" />


best regards


Athanasios Christou
April 20, 2014, 10:11 AM
Bug in the quick search on the homepage.

The tabs do not work properly if you have more than 2 tabs.

see video.


Best Regards


April 26, 2014, 11:17 AM
Hi there,
Flatty Templates updated and now we have 1.2 version. Let me know if you will have amy problems with update.


Petrache Nicolae
April 26, 2014, 12:13 PM
Hi there,
Flatty Templates updated and now we have 1.2 version. Let me know if you will have amy problems with update.


John, i have made you 6 pages of bugs regarding general flatty. You said that you will deal with them and so far no fixes. No comment regarding any of the bugs mentioned. I installed the latest version wich is a little bigger but the bugs mentioned remains valid.