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View Full Version : [Plug-in] Search by distance problem with saved search

Wei Hong
February 5, 2014, 01:34 AM
I have been a customer of flynax since last July, and I'm finally finishing up the site to launch really soon. However, I just found an issue with "search by distance" plugin that doesn't work with saved search. To reproduce the problem. I did a search with the following criteria:

Category: Cellphone
Price: From $500 to $1000
Zipcode: 30 miles within 95121

And clicked on saved search,
When I go to my saved search page:

The Zipcode shows: Array when it suppose to show 30 miles within 95121

I have attach screenshot for this issue
I would really appreciate it if flynax supporter or any1 here could help me fix this asap. I'm too currently looking into this to figure out how to fix it, the launch day is in 2 days

Thank you


February 6, 2014, 09:38 AM
As i know your issues resolved through tickets system, also fixed added to 4.3.
Thanks for reporting and sorry for this.

Wei Hong
February 7, 2014, 08:02 PM
Yes, you have fixed it perfectly. Thanks again