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View Full Version : Affiliate Plugin

Gary Pennington
January 2, 2014, 05:53 PM
an affiliate program plugin would be nice.
one that allowed users to signup as an affiliate and get their own links to give out to be paid when someone places and ad.
also with a way to track all sales made by affiliates and a way to pay them maybe like paypal or checks.
all sales would need to be tracked either 1 ad or multiple ads..also recurring payment ads that way they could make recurring commisions.anyway it would need to credit the affilate with the total sale made..

admin would need to be able to choose the amount of commissions paid per ad or per banner or per sale

a section for affiliates to be able to get banners created by admin for their affiliate links to post on web sites or facebook.....along with admin created emails to send out.
posibbly even affiliate qr codes to pass out on flyers with their affiliate links .

these are a few ideas for affiliate marketing of the ads...Feel free to jump in and add more ideas to the ads affiliate plugin.

think hard !B)