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View Full Version : How to display a new field

Jennifer Huser
August 14, 2010, 06:36 AM
In listings field manager I have added a new field called 'Month of Build'. I want this field to be displayed in the listing group 'common' on my frontpage when seller adds a new car.

How can I arrange the field to be displayed there?

Thank you

Kiowa Nieuwoudt
August 16, 2010, 10:42 AM

The next step after adding the new field, is to go to 'categories' and choose 'build' for the relevant category. In my case, all of my categories look to one particular category as the master, so I only ever have to change one category, and the field appears for everyone.

In the build screen, your new field should be listed on the right. To add the field to the common group, choose 'common' from the 'append to' drop-down and click go.

I'm using the realty script, so I'm not sure if yours is slightly different.

Good luck!
