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View Full Version : Ajax Live Search City Field

Matteo marco Giani
February 25, 2013, 11:46 PM
Good Afternoon everyone!!

Is there any way someone know to implement the Ajax Live Search Box for City Field/Post code??

I already seen many websites with this intresting function but it looks quite complicate to implement it!

Did someone every implement this function with flynax plugin??

Any suggestions??

For those who doesn't kow what this function is: Mainly is like the Search Box in Simple Green/Red/Blue template. When you type the first letters it show's you the matched result without pressing Search. It's intresting to implement it for Country/City selection .. So that when someone try to Add a New Listing at the Field City it will type for example: Dub... and the box is going to show him Dublin, Dubai, Ecc...

If someone is intrested too we could make a workteam to create this useful function!!!
