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View Full Version : Facebook conect blank page issue

February 13, 2013, 08:10 AM
Good day,

The problem is in the module Suhosin for PHP.
Namely setting suhosin.executor.eval.blacklist = "base64_decode, etc .."
In a plugin using Facebook Connect base64_decode and in performing this function Suhosin blocks it.

What you need for an independent solution to this problem?

Need to turn off the hook plugin that uses base64_decode; you need:
- Go to Admin panel> Database
- Put the code into textarea (SQL query field) and press Go

UPDATE `{db_prefix}hooks` SET `Status` = 'approval' WHERE `Name` = 'specialBlock' AND `Plugin` = 'facebookConnect'

The next step we have to manually add the PHP code:
- Connect through FTP to your website
- Go to /includes/controllers/ and edit the file common.inc.php
- Search the code

/* call special block hooks */
$rlHook -> load('specialBlock');

and replate it to the code

/* call special block hooks */
$rlHook -> load('specialBlock');

if ( $config['facebookConnect_module'] && $config['facebookConnect_appid'] && $config['facebookConnect_secret'] && $config['facebookConnect_account_type'] )
$reefless -> loadClass('FBConnect', false, 'facebookConnect');
$rlFBConnect -> createFBConnectButton();

- Save and close the file

After these steps, the plugin will work, and you should see a white page after login via Facebook.
If you have any questions or this solution does not help you, you can ask your questions in this topic.