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Thread: New Account says Active Before Email Verification

  1. #11

    Re: New Account says Active Before Email Verification

    My current settings....

    "Account confirmation via email" - Enabled
    "Account activation by Administrator" - Disabled

    Now new user makes an account....but say email was never delivered and they contact me stating they can't activate the account because they didn't get the email. So since there is no option to resend the email, I must activate it myself for them. If I got to unverified accounts, I see the listing but it has the default setting of saying "active", yet it's not really active because the user never clicked on the link in the email. And, I tried to log in but was denied.

    Now, if I click on the word "Active" and then select "Active" again, and click off the account, the setting has officially "really" changed to active and the user can now log in.

    Hope that clears it up some John. Thanks!

  2. #12
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Re: New Account says Active Before Email Verification

    Hello Christina,
    I have registered new account and received a confirmation letter to specified e-mail address. Well it works, but probably your customer receive emails from your website to spam folder. I suggest that you create new account on gmail and use it for new account registration on your website. You will see if the confirmation letter goes to spam folder.

    Also take a look at this thread: SPAM prevention and instructions for email configuration


  3. #13

    Re: New Account says Active Before Email Verification

    Sorry John, that is not the issue....I'm not talking about them always not getting the email because saying they are not being sent...

    1) I'm saying what if the customer says they didn't receive the email? They have no way to resend it.

    2) And, most importantly, if I go to "unverified account", the account says "active" yet it's not active. If I click on active again and save, it then becomes active. Basically, defaults to the word "active" yet it's not.

  4. #14
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Re: New Account says Active Before Email Verification

    hello there,
    Quote Originally Posted by azdolfan
    1) I'm saying what if the customer says they didn't receive the email? They have no way to resend it.
    Sorry, you confused me. Could you explain this problem step by step?
    Quote Originally Posted by azdolfan
    2) And, most importantly, if I go to "unverified account", the account says "active" yet it's not active. If I click on active again and save, it then becomes active. Basically, defaults to the word "active" yet it's not.
    Ok, I got you. I am going to add one more status for accounts, it will be pending.
    Well while user have not conform own registration status will stay as Pending.
    I will implement new status for your website as soon as it back online.


  5. #15
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Re: New Account says Active Before Email Verification

    Hello Christina,
    The point #2 is done, please test it from your side.


  6. #16

    Re: New Account says Active Before Email Verification

    Ok, that worked...I could finally activate it in admin...however, how do you get it to query? What I mean is on the left under Accounts there is a selection for "unverified accounts". Yet the "pending" do not show in it. And, when you sort by Status from the top, you have 4 options, All, New, Active, and Unverified. When you set to unverified they still doesn't show...I the only way to find them is by selecting "All" which could get messy when you have a lot of new users....I then changed a pending to unverified and received an email saying account deactivated.

    1) Shouldn't pending show in unverified sorts from the left? Maybe even be called Pending Accounts (I can rename myself, but the functionality needs to be changed.
    2) Then shouldn't "unverified" in status actually be "deactivate"? Which again, I can rename so not an issue, but you would have to add "pending" in status sorts as well.

    Any chance, you will be adding a feature to allow the user to resend the activation email if they didn't receive so they don't have to contact us? Probably pretty easy, just asking for username and email...then send again...at least consider for future version

  7. #17
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Re: New Account says Active Before Email Verification

    Hello Christina,
    I have added "Pending" option to sorting dropdown and to left menu.
    Please rename "Unverified" back to "approved" or to "inactive" because the system uses "approved" status for inactive items.

    About "resend the activation email" option, we will think about it for new version of the Flynax. Thanks.


  8. #18

    Re: New Account says Active Before Email Verification

    Looks like it all works great now....and I renamed to inactive like you suggested. Thanks John!!!

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