Regarding cookies, there is an option under cookies in the admin menu to block cookies before consent, but then it seems to disable geo display of the notice ?

I want to be sure to be legally compliant for the areas that require the popup consent, but it's important to be able to geo target the display of this to only areas where it's legally required.

At least as a web surfer, I find these really annoying and redundant so I want to comply with laws where they are required (and where people thus are used to being forced to see and click them each time they visit a new website) but don't want to force unnecessary popups on visitors who aren't legally required to see them.

Does the law where you are require you to keep track of each user's preference for which cookies they consent to and for how long? If you have 10,000 visitors a day x 365 days a year, for example, this would create quite a large database after a while just storing a record of consent by each random visitor. I'm a bit confused about the size of the database that would be required to be maintained just of consent to comply with the laws of some regions now... And do you store the IP and timestamp of visitors to have a record of their consent, or do you need to somehow abstract that but in a way that can still be retrieved if they ask for proof of consent (how?)

I wonder if it makes more sense to integrate with something like Googles CMP and then have the Flynax script respect the choices made with options there. (or maybe as an additional option.)

I think this might deserve it's own thread as I suspect the visitor (non-registered) record of consent would probably be a separate table from the logging of registrations/actions just because of the size of the cookie consent database as I have 1,000x more visitors that could in the future get the cookie consent message than registered users or those actually making an action on the site.