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Thread: Question on 4.7...

  1. #1

    Question on 4.7...


    I haven't yet installed 4.7, I would like to ask if there has been any fixes for Nginx server in version 4.7.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    you can see all the fixes in change log: https://www.flynax.com/version-changelog.html

    what problems you have with nginx ?

  3. #3
    Hello Rudi,

    Like I say, I haven't yet tested flynax 4.7, but going back to when flynax 4.6 (not 4.6.2) first came out, I have tried with nginx, but had difficulties getting mod_rewrite working. I don't remember the exact changes I made back then, but all the messages I posted here on the forum back then. I remmeber I had to make changes to the config nginx config file but didn't get it to work.


  4. #4

    Nginx Installed...


    I have installed the Nginx server, with php, mysql, etc...But during the install, where it says apache mod_rewrite module, it says undefined. I am trying to work out the issue in the /etc/nginx/sites-available/default file, but not having any luck. I would prefer to use nginx, but it doesn't work yet.


  5. #5
    After messing around for awhile, still haven't fixed it, I notice that the Session Support is Disabled. I don't recall, but I am pretty sure that was green I don't remember the message, but I do believe it was green, meaning I think just the apache module was the only issue (beside the permission settings below that on the system requirements page)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks again.

  6. #6

    I believe the sessions issue is resolved, but it's still red in the install screen (4.7). Reason I say that is because I have just ran the following code:

    PHP Code:
    Only registered members can view the code
    I get a 2 as a result.

    Source for result:

    That tells me that sessions are enabled. But flynax is showing disabled in red, maybe this was from another setting I changed which I don't remember, so I will restore/reinstall.

    But the apache mod_rewrite is still undefined.

    Any ideas?


  7. #7

    I am going to restore my server, and will be back to post my results.

    After restoring my server, I am not having the sessions issue, that is resolved by default, meaning I didn't have any issues, so I must have changed something in the last test.

    During this test, I re-installed flynax, and although the sessions issue was resolved, I am still having issues with mod_rewrite (during installation, it was undefined) I have tried a few different things (before finishing this part of the install, but no luck). My guess, It is because flynax does not have any definitions for mod_rewrite. Let me give example of

    My issue is that the after installing flynax 4.7 on NGINX, (mod_rewrite enabled) the urls change in the url window, but the page itself doesn't change.

    What I am thinking is the issue:

    Note the 7th post by albasiero on the following page:

    They're speaking of Wordpress, but the following nginx config code is 'standard' should apply to flynax as well:

    Only registered members can view the code.
    Then below that they go on to say for WordPress:

    And finally in WP-Admin --> settings--> Permalinks
    -->set to default once... then set to "Post Name" which rewrites WP rules.

    The very last part is what matters to me in this flynax issue, "Then set to "Post Name" which rewrites WP rules"

    "Post Name" rewrites WP rules. Is there some nginx rules for flynax

    Edit: I remembered the rules from Mike on this forum, on April 11, 2013, 05:10 AM from the following link:


    When adding those rules into my config file I am getting a 404 error on each of the page with mod_rewrite enabled (see below) my complete nginx config code is posted below, with Mikes flynax rules below (verbatim)

    Only registered members can view the code.
    Last edited by Brian Jester; September 29, 2018 at 12:07 AM.

  8. #8

    Still didn't fix it, but I made another change, this time, in the flynax rules. I changed the url so it points to the folder where I installed flynax instead of just /index.php. After that, the template loads, but still getting the 404 error (only this time, the flynax template loads) saying that the page doesn't exist. Yesterday, I got the 404 error without the template, just a white page with the 404 error. The path I installed to is: classifieds. I also tried adding the $args parameter to the nginx rules for flynax, but that was not correct rules for nginx when I restarted nginx. not sure about if I added the $args parameter correctly, I added it just before last; on each of the nginx rules lines.

    Any suggestions?

  9. #9
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Planet Earth

    I need an access to server to check

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudi View Post

    I need an access to server to check

    I can only be on localhost for this as my (live) hostgator account has apache 2.2.34 and I am unable to change that.

    I tried to be as specific as I could, if you could give me some suggestions that would be great, as I very much do plan on dedicated hosting in the future and that's what I (seriously) plan to use as my server software.


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