Quote Originally Posted by Peter Jonsson View Post
I did a test increasing cronjob to every 5 min but the sitemap didn't update the listing.xml even if there was a new listings.
Why doesn't the listings.xml get updated on cronrun? Isn't this why we also use sitemaps, to tell google bots that new listings have been added?

What decides when the listings.xml are updated?
Shouldn't that be updated like every time a new listing is added to the site or removed so the spiders know where to look.
Hello Peter,

So, by default the Sitemap plugin have 3 different ways for rebuild XML files in the sitemap:
- you update manually via Admin panel > Common > Refresh > Update sitemap.xml file = Rebuild. It will always remove exist sitemap files and build a new.
- via cron jobs. If your crontab configured properly that cron file will check XML file: it will create it if files missing; it will updated if last date of modifying files more then 24hours
- via frontend: if files is missing and get a request your-domain.com/sitemap.xml the plugin will create it. It wouldn't update files if they are exist already.

If your cron doesn't update old files, that maybe it have a errors.
You can check it manually:
- rename file /cron/.htaccess to backup.htaccess for example
- run cron script via browser your-domain.com/cron/index.php
If it return empty content that cron works properly and doesn't have errors.