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Thread: Statistics...

  1. #1



    Is there a way to display the website stats in a page vs. a content box? Example: I would like to create a link in my footer to see the stats on a page instead of having a content box. Although I could technically create a new page, and add the stats content box on that page, is there a direct (system) page I could use? I really don't want to try and style a new page just for a stats box. Maybe I am overlooking some other way to do this? Actually, I just thought of an idea that I think is do able, but I need some help getting it...Maybe I could put the stats on the category pages, but how can I put the stats for a particular category only, so if the stats box is on the for sale category, the stats would only show the stats for that category only and I could do that for each category or listing type.

    The Statistics content box shows:

    Only registered members can view the code.
    Can I create a new box, that would show specific data based on the above code? By specific, I mean can anything else be applied to the above code to customize the way that code shows data? Ex: Show only a specific category, or subcategories along those line, or is that unchangeable?

    Last edited by Brian Jester; March 11, 2018 at 03:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    By default, statistics box displays info for all types and categories
    and to make it work like you need (depending on the specific type and category)
    you should modify statisticsBlock() function accordingly in rlListingTypes.class.php

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