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Thread: Errors when displaying banners

  1. #1

    Errors when displaying banners

    I have installed the latest banner plugin and as soon as i installed it i noticed that there is no space between banners. They are stuck to each other, not even a padding or a margin between. In choose the left side the banners will look like this

    If choose any other side of box for example top or bottom the banners will be displayed vertically stuck to each other. For what reason they will be displayed vertically in those position? In a top side box banners should be displayed horizontally
    Here is a proof photo error2.jpg

    I checked this with 3 templates freshly downloaded from your server so surely is not a problem with my site.
    How to fix this?

  2. #2
    Hello Ionut,

    And what do you want for? some space between banners or may be show only 1 banner?
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  3. #3

    I want to display 2-3 banners horizontally or vertically. Depending on the page. I had 2 banners in the 4.3 but they were displayed properly with space between them. in left side i want to display 2 banners and on some section of the site i want to display 2 banners in bottom side

  4. #4

    So how to fix this? I am sure is not something normal to have 2 banners stuck to each other. I am sure is not the banner plugin problem . I tried to make a content box with html code but the styles i wrote in there are not respected.

  5. #5
    Hello Ionut,

    I have added space between banners. Please check
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  6. #6
    Added some changes where? on my site or in the plugin?
    Well i checked. No space. And always vertically instead of horizontally on all sides of the site and stuck into each other

  7. #7
    ok i solved it

    Problem was here

    div.banner {
    overflow: hidden;
    display: inline-block;
    div.banner {
    display: inherit !important;

    Is a conflict here The same div is defined in both style.css in css folder of your template but also in style.css in your banner plugin folder . Delete the one in style.css from css folder of template and banner will be displayed correctly

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