
Type: Posts; User: Mustafa ilker Yonel

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  1. Replies

    GDPR Compliance

    Anyone any tipps or comments to GDPR Compliance

    how effect us this and what should we do / what have you done ?

    has the Flynax team anything to say about GDPR Compliance ?
  2. thanks for the share !

    thanks for the share !
  3. Replies

    Blanko Users Listing Page


    i want to display an user listings on an external webpage per iframe.

    how should i approche?
  4. Replies

    one way could be...

    one way could be
    {$listing.phone_number|replace:c:':' '|replace:'a: ':' '|replace:'n: ':' '|replace:'|':''}
  5. Replies

    Listing package currancy

    how can we make the listing package currency only with credit-to-go

    example :

    right now it show: TL for turkish currency is the standard website currency.

    i wann replace it: with bb-Puan...
  6. Replies

    Found a solution Admin Panel > Configurations...

    Found a solution

    Admin Panel > Configurations > Image Settings > Automatic Cropping > No

    find in style.css div.preview > img {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
  7. Replies

    no one any idea ?!

    no one any idea ?!
  8. how you did it ? a how to would be nice

    how you did it ?

    a how to would be nice
  9. Replies

    force subcategory selection

    How can i force that user has to select all subcategories until last subcategory
  10. flynax has paid service too ? why you dont ask...

    flynax has paid service too ? why you dont ask them ?

    my bet they would be the best help you can get !
  11. is there no Common > Refresh > Update system...

    is there no Common > Refresh > Update system cache in 4.5 ?
  12. thank you very much i wrote a ticket

    thank you very much i wrote a ticket
  13. thanks for your answer what cost the mirror...

    thanks for your answer

    what cost the mirror license ? is there somewhere a official statement with a price so i can present it.

    what have to do to get the follow solution in .htaccess
  14. this is a joke or ?! ok how can i edit the...

    this is a joke or ?!

    ok how can i edit the htaccess so that goes to

    i tried but your httaccess wont allowed anyhow.
  15. i have the same problem here i try to add more...

    i have the same problem here

    i try to add more domain to the other languages.

    main domain goes to
    2nd domain goes to
    3rd domain goes to...
  16. i have the same problem here i try to add more...

    i have the same problem here

    i try to add more domain to the other languages.

    main domain goes to
    2nd domain goes to
    3rd domain goes to...
  17. after moving page to root delete listing problem

    after moving page to root

    i changed the config to root:

    define( 'RL_ROOT', ' .....

    from subdomain to www. (goes to root)

    define( 'RL_URL_HOME', '.....
  18. Wrong avaibile listings amount Fl 4.5

    it should be 199 of 200 and not 199 of 100.

    we use 4.5 i saw in 4.6 is it fixed

    thank you for your help
  19. Thank you very much Viktor ! its working

    Thank you very much Viktor !

    its working
  20. ok this is for standard listings display but...

    ok this is for standard listings display

    but what i need is to change i guess the javascript that changes from grid to list back .

    right now is working as follow

    standard listoption is...
  21. item lists Smaller scrennsize grid changes to list

    item lists Smaller scrennsize grid changes to list

    how can i change that that not list is the standard at smaller screensizes but grid is.

    why changing from grid to list back on responsive...
  22. try {$seller_info|@print_r} if the field in...

    try {$seller_info|@print_r}

    if the field in there it should apear
  23. Replies

    you should write a ticket ...

    you should write a ticket
  24. please send me the facebook page :D but i can...

    please send me the facebook page :D

    but i can recall the same feelings sometimes flynax gives the headache but all scripts do if you change thinks
  25. listing forms multilanguage field style bugs

    please check the screenshot i make from your demo page. * of course our page has the same issue *

    activated are 11 language and some are missing. in the front or wont show
Results 1 to 25 of 209
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